iscas3dv / deformshape

Self-supervised Learning of Implicit Shape Representation with Dense Correspondence for Deformable Objects (ICCV2023)
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Self-supervised Learning of Implicit Shape Representation with Dense Correspondence for Deformable Objects

Self-supervised Learning of Implicit Shape Representation with Dense Correspondence for Deformable Objects

Baowen Zhang, Jiahe Li, Xiaoming Deng, Yinda Zhang, Cuixia Ma, Hongan Wang

Project page       Paper

1. Installation

Clone this repository.

Install dependencies.

  1. create an environment
    conda create -n deformshape python=3.9
    conda activate deformshape
  2. Install pytorch.
  3. Install torchmeta. Before installation, comment L34~35 in pytorch-meta/, which limits the pytorch vision. We have tested that it is compatible with higher pytorch version. Additionally, comment out line 3 in pytorch-meta/torchmeta/datasets/
    cd pytorch-meta
    python install
  4. Install pytorch3d
  5. Install torchmcubes.
  6. Install packages
    pip install -r requirements.txt


We use mesh_to_sdf to generate SDFs from meshes. Please follow the instructions to install mesh-to-sdf package first. The experiments are conducted mainly on D-FAUST and DeformingThings4D. Please download these two datasets and organize the datasets as follows:

└─── registrations_f.hdf5
└─── registrations_m.hdf5
└─── animals

First, please run this code to generate train/eval data for DeformingThings4D:

python data/ --dataset_folder $DeformingThings4D_folder_path$ 
--output_folder data/train_data(or test_data) --animal_kind bear3EP --mode train(or test)

Then, the preparing data are organized as follows:

└─── bear3EP
│   │
|   └─── surface_pts_n_normal
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat
│   |
|   └─── free_space_pts
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat
|   |
|   └─── mesh
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.obj
|   | 
|   └─── mesh_for_geodesic_distance
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.ply
|   |
|   └─── partial_points
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat

Next, please run this code to generate train/eval data for D-FAUST:

python data/ --path $D-FAUST_path$/registrations_f.hdf5 --tdir data/D-FAUST_mesh
python data/ --path $D-FAUST_path$/registrations_m.hdf5 --tdir data/D-FAUST_mesh
python data/ --dataset_folder data/D-FAUST_mesh --output_folder data/train_data(or test_data)
--human_kind 50002 --mode train(or test)

Then, the preparing data are organized as follows:

└─── 50002
│   │
|   └─── surface_pts_n_normal
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat
│   |
|   └─── free_space_pts
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat
|   |
|   └─── mesh
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.obj
|   | 
|   └─── mesh_for_geodesic_distance
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.ply
|   |
|   └─── partial_points
|   |   |
|   |   └─── *.mat

The geodesic distances are only used for evaluation followed the steps. It takes a long time to generate geodesic distance matrix. If you want to evaluate the correspondence result, you could follow the steps below to generate distance matrix. The original matlab code is provided by Unsupervised Learning Of Dense Shape Correspondence

1.copy data/convert_ply_to_mat.m todata/train_data/$subject$(eg, 50002)/mesh_for_geodesic_distance data/train_data/$subject$(eg, 50002)/mesh_for_geodesic_distance/convert_ply_to_mat.m data/faust_calc_distance_matrix.m, change path_shapes, path_distance_matrix, then run the code data/faust_calc_distance_matrix.m

4.the distance matrix will be generated in 3.make a new directory in data/train_data/$subject$(eg, 50002)/distance_matrix

3. Training

Before training, set the point_cloud_path in the config files. For example,

point_cloud_root: data/train_data/

Then run the code:

python --config configs/train/50002.yml

The code will make a folder logs and the parameters of trained model will be saved in it.

4. Shape Generation

Before generateing, set the checkpoint path in the corresponding config files. For example,

checkpoint_path: 'logs/50002_train/checkpoints/model_final.pth'

Generating shapes in training set

Directly use the latent code optimzed during training to generate a shapes:

python --config configs/generate_all/50002.yml --subject_idx 300,301,302,-1

subject_idx is the shape id in training split. -1 represents template code. We found that --subject_idx -1 is invalid for configargparse. There must be a id or ids before -1.

Generating all shapes in training set

python --config configs/generate_all/50002.yml --type generate

Optimized results will be saved in eval

Fitting all shapes from full observed point clouds

python --config configs/eval/50002.yml --type fit

Optimized results will be saved in eval

Fitting all shapes from partial observed point clouds

python --config configs/eval_partial/50002.yml --type fit

Optimized results will be saved in eval

5. Accuracy

Before evaluating, change the config_files in the corresponding evaluating file.

Chamfer distance






6. Acknowledgement

It is adapted from the code of DIF. We appreciate their significant contributions to the field of shape representation.