isene / astropanel

Terminal program for amateur astronomers with weather forcast
The Unlicense
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Terminal program for amateur astronomers with weather forecast, ephemeris, astronomical events and more. It's what you need to decide wether to take your telescope out for a spin.

Install by cloning this repo and putting astropanel.rb into your "bin" directory. Or you can simply run gem install astropanel.


This program gives you essential data to plan your observations:

Condition rules

The rules to calculate whether the condition is green, yellow or red are:


You need to have Ruby installed to use Astropanel. You also need to install the latest Ruby Curses library via gem install curses.

Then there are two basic prerequisites needed: x11-utils and xdotool.

To have the star chart displayed, you need to have imagemagick and w3m-img installed.

To get all prerequisites installed on Ubuntu: apt-get install ruby-full git libncurses-dev x11-utils xdotool imagemagick w3m-img

And on Arch: pacman -S ruby git xorg-xwininfo xdotool imagemagick w3m-img

Also, images like the star chart and APOD is only reliably tested on the URXVT terminal emulator.

Launching Astropanel

The first time you launch Astropanel (make astropanel.rb executable; chmod +x astropanel.rb and run it), it will ask for your location, Latitude and Longitude.

When you start the program, it will show you the list of forecast points for today and the next 9 days (from The first couple of days are detailed down to each hour, while the rest of the days have 4 forecast points (hours 00, 06, 12 and 18). Time is for your local time zone.

When inside the program, you can set the various limits as you see fit.


Just press "?" to get the help for each possible key binding:

 ? = Show this help text       ENTER = Refresh starchart/image
 l = Edit Location                 r = Refresh all data
 a = Edit Latitude                 s = Get starchart for selected time
 o = Edit Longitude                S = Open starchart in image program
 c = Edit Cloud limit              A = Show Astronomy Picture Of the Day
 h = Edit Humidity limit           e = Show upcoming events
 t = Edit Temperature limit        W = Write to config file       
 w = Edit Wind limit               q = Quit (write to config file)
 b = Edit Bortle value             Q = Quit (no config write)     

These should be self explanatory. Until I can figure out how to automatically fetch a location's Bortle value (light pollution), this is entered manually.

Quitting the program and saving configuration

Location values you change in the program are written to the config file when you quit via "q". Use "Q" to quit without writing the values (if you want to see the forecast for different locations and not overwrite your preferred location data). Use 'W' to write new limit values to the config file.

In Termux for Android or environments where images can't be shown in a terminal, set this in the config file (.ap.conf): @noimage = true


Click on this screenshot to see a screencast that will give you a sense of how this application works:

Astropanel screencast