ishaq / OPA

Efficient MPC via Program Analysis: A Framework for Efficient Optimal Mixing
MIT License
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Optimal Protocol Assignment (OPA)

This repo contains companinion code for the ACM CCS'19 paper Efficient MPC via Program Analysis: A Framework for Efficient Optimal Mixing

Directory Structure


How to Run

  1. Analysis project needs to know the classpath (option -cp) and class name (option -c) of the program to generate anlaysis file for. It uses defaults for the path of rt.jar (option -r) and jce.jar (option -j). If those default values are wrong, it will complain and you'll have to specify those paths on command line too.

    To generate analysis for, for example, the gcd benchmark, run:

    ./gradlew run --args='-c P -cp ./src/test/resources/programs/gcd' 

    You can change the -c and -cp params to other benchmarks to test them. Analysis output is written to analysis.json.

  2. Edit solver.m (in solver directory) to point to the analysis.json and run it to get protocol assignment.

How to Generate Eclipse Project

You can run ./gradlew eclipse to generate eclipse project and then import it into eclipse as an Existing Gradle Project.

Once the project is open in Eclipse, right-click ./src/test/java/ and choose Debug As -> Gradle Test to debug it (with breakpoints and other debugging aids).

How to Add More Test Programs

Follow the examples in src/test/resources/programs directory in the analysis project directory. Briefly the programs should:


MIT License. see LICENSE for details.
