island-is /

Monorepo for Iceland's digital services.
MIT License
369 stars 56 forks source link


This GitHub organization is the center of development for digital government services on It is managed by the Digital Iceland department inside the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

These solutions are FOSS and open to contributions, but most development will be performed by teams that win tenders to develop new functionality for Digital Iceland.

The repository is a monorepo that has multiple apps (something that can be built and run) and libraries (which other apps and libraries can depend on). All custom-written services are also stored there.


The Í design system is developed and showcased using Storybook and is publicly available at

Reading material

To get more technical information about the project please make sure to read this overview.

New developers

Make sure to follow this guide to get up and running.

External contributors

If you want to contribute to the repository, please make sure to follow this guide.


[!NOTE] If you are running on Windows we recommend using Docker and WSL2

For fetching secrets


Devcontainers provide a consistent development environment using Docker containers, ensuring all developers have the same setup.


  1. Requirements:

    • Docker
    • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with the Remote - Containers extension
  2. Using Devcontainers:

devcontainers-cli Tool

devcontainers-cli offers command-line management of devcontainers.

  1. Installation and Usage:

Using Devcontainers and the devcontainers-cli tool ensures a uniform development environment, reducing setup time and discrepancies between machines.

Setting up Digital Iceland

There are many projects that can be built and run. Click here to see the full list.

Fresh start/changing branches

Run on whenever you check out a branch:

yarn install
yarn infra install
yarn codegen

When you clone the repo for the first time, and whenever you change branches, you need to update your dependencies to match your current branch using yarn install. In addition, API schemas change frequently, so you will also need to run codegen using yarn codegen.

If you want run codegen on every install you can set the environment variable RUN_CODEGEN_ON_INSTALL=true. Note that this will run codegen when rebuilding the workspace in the post-install phase, with no output, so the install script seems to hang.

Development server

For a dev server:

yarn start <project>

The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


To build the project:

yarn build <project>

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Formatting your code

You need to format all files to follow NX code conventions. To do so run:

yarn nx format:write

Running lint checks

We have many lint rules to help having a unify code all over the project. To execute the linting:

yarn lint <project>

Running lint locally is slow and fill up heap memory. This is related to Typescript compilation and NX lint builder being slow. As a result you might get a JavaScript heap out of memory. NX is working on fixing this for an upcoming update. In the meantime you can do NODE_OPTIONS=“--max-old-space-size=4096” yarn lint <project> to raise the memory limit.

Running unit tests

To execute the unit tests via Jest:

yarn test <project>

To execute the unit tests affected by a change:

yarn affected:test

Running end-to-end tests

To execute end-to-end tests via Cypress:

yarn e2e <project>-e2e

To execute the end-to-end tests affected by a change:

yarn affected:e2e


If your project is generating an API schema or API client using OpenAPI or GraphQL, check out this documentation.

Understand your workspace

To see a diagram of the dependencies of your projects:

yarn nx dep-graph

AWS Secrets

A dedicated documentation about fetching shared development secrets or creating new secrets, using AWS secrets is available here.

Running proxy against development service

If you have AWS access to our development account, you can connect to development databases and services using a proxy. We've set up a proxy and connection helpers for our development Postgres, Elastic Search, Redis and X-Road Security Server.

To do so, you can run for example:


It will try to get your AWS credentials from your environment variables and from your ~/.aws/credentials file. You can find more instructions here.

{% hint style="info" %} If you want to run your app against one of this service (e.g. db), you may need to edit your app environment or sequelize config to pass the proxy credentials. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} The following services will run on the associated ports: db:5432, es:9200, redis:6379, xroad:80. If you have docker running on theses ports or any others services you will need to stop them in order to run the proxies. {% endhint %}

Environment variables with static websites

To be able to access environment variables in purely static projects, you need to do the following:

  1. In the index.html file, add <!-- environment placeholder -->.
  2. Use the getStaticEnv function from the library to fetch your environment variables.
  3. Prefix your environment variables with SI_PUBLIC_, for example SI_PUBLIC_MY_VARIABLE.

NOTE: This is only to get environment variables when running in kubernetes, not for when running locally. So you should only use getStaticEnv in your file.

What happens behind the scenes is that static projects have a bash script that runs when the docker container starts up. This script searches for references of SI_PUBLIC_* in the code and tries to find a match in the environment. It then puts all the matches inside the index.html which is then served to the client.