ismop / eitwid

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System requirements:

In order to run a local server you need to deploy a config file in the project tree. Go to src/main/resources/config (create this directory if it does not yet exist) and open/create a file named with the following contents:

#this config will override the one in
debug = true = <API key for google maps access - ask MK for details>

dap.token = <secret key for DAP access - ask PN for details>
dap.endpoint =

secret.token = <secret token used for user registration - ask MK/DH for details>

hypgen.endpoint =
hypgen.user = <hypgen ISMOP username - ask MP for details>
hypgen.pass = <hypgen ISMOP password - ask MP for details>

spring.mail.username = <Spring email acct - ask DH for details>
spring.mail.password = <Spring email password - ask DH for details>

To run a development environment do the following:

... and in the second console window:

... and go to http://localhost:8080

To build and deploy an instance do the following:

... to produce the final jar with all the dependencies and run it like that:

To deploy the ISMOP production instance: