ispysoftware / agent-install-scripts

Setup scripts for Agent DVR
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 8 forks source link

Scripted installs for Agent DVR on OSX, Linux and Raspberry Pi

Setup scripts for Agent DVR on macOS/ Linux For Windows download the installer from the website For Docker see the download page below

You may need to install curl first:

sudo apt-get install curl

To install on OSX (Requires: OSX >= 10.14) or Linux (x64, arm and raspberry pi) open a terminal and call:

bash <(curl -s "")

Updating Agent

If you have a license or a subscription you can update Agent to the latest version by clicking on the server menu and "Update Agent" (will only appear if an update is available).

To update Agent manually follow the following steps:

Backup your configuration (just in case!) - copy the xml files in Agent/Media/XML somewhere

Stop the Agent Service


sudo systemctl stop AgentDVR.service


sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Download the latest version (will detect your platform)

bash <(curl -s "")

Unzip that over the existing install location to update (it won't erase your config). When it is unzipped, change to the Agent directory and run

chmod +x Agent

... and restart the service:


sudo systemctl start AgentDVR.service


sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/

When Agent is installed you can access it on the local computer at http://localhost:8090

If Agent doesn't start or you want to run Agent manually (provides console output for debugging):


Known Issues:

On Raspberry Pi please ensure you are using a recent OS - older versions of Raspbian do not support modern SSL certificates.