israeltechchallenge / js-second-project-stock-exchange-Jdubbs702

js-second-project-stock-exchange-Jdubbs702 created by GitHub Classroom
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Milestone 4

Features Create a marquee at the top of the main page showing current stock information Search in the API docs (link in the summary), for the endpoint you need to use to get a list of companies and their current stock price Animate the the marquee, to look like in a stock market (example below) We recommend you will use keyframes and animation property in CSS, you can learn about it here animation
Also, add favicon to the website (you can look for icons online) You can present only a subset of the items if the browser stuck when trying to present too many items Do not use the tag. (see the alert here:

Milestone 5

Features Convert your all marquee functionality to a JavaScript class This class should accept an element in the constructor argument, and render all of the other elements in it’s methods This class should be implement in a separate file called Marquee.js (which should be imported in the main page html file) In your main html file, you should only have an empty html element, which you pass to your Marquee instance constructor, and call this instance method to load and render everything to this div If you want, you can use a function contstructor instead of a class (does the same)