israkir / conceptnet5-client

Python programming interface and graph walk inference engine for ConceptNet5 Web API
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This is a Python programming interface and an inference engine for ConceptNet5 Web API. It supports investigating multiple concept relationships as a graph walk.

The general documentation about ConceptNet5 project can be found in here.




$ sudo python install

Create project:


Command above will create a new folder 'myproject' under your current directory. In order to specify a project path/name, run:

$ -s /home/user/conceptnet_project


There are 3 types of main API in ConceptNet which are supported by this package.

LookUp API

This allows you to query for general facts about a concept. There are 3 arguments supported while initialization:

# :param offset: skip the specified amount of first results
# :type offset: integer
# :param limit: change the number of results from the default of 50
# :type limit: integer
# :param filter: If 'core', only get edges from the ConceptNet 5 Core (not from ShareAlike resources), if 'core-assetions', search for edges by default, and there can be many edges representing the same assertion.
# :type filter: Either 'core' or 'core-assertions'

Basic usage as follows:

# get general facts about 'see movie'
lookup = LookUp(limit=1)
response = lookup.search_concept('see movie')

# parse the response
r = Result(response)
edges = r.parse_all_edges(clean_self_ref = True) # this is a list of Edge objects
[edge.print_edge() for edge in edges]
# in order to print all attributes of edges
[edge.print_all_attrs() for edge in edges]

Also, you can query for the concepts of a specific contibutor or source:

lookup = LookUp()
response1 = lookup.search_source('/s/wordnet/3.0')
r1 = Result(response1)
# print results in key = value format 

response2 = lookup.search_source('/s/rule/sum_edges')
r2 = Result(response2)
# print results in key = value format 

Search API

This allows more sophisticated queries regarding to any aspects of an assertion in ConceptNet database. Supported args:

# :param {id, uri, rel, start, end, context, dataset, license}: giving a ConceptNet URI for any of these parameters will return edges whose corresponding fields start with the given path
# :type {id, uri, rel, start, end, context, dataset, license}: uri
# :param nodes: returns edges whose rel, start, or end start with the given URI
# :type nodes: uri
# :param {startLemmas, endLemmas, relLemmas}: returns edges containing the given lemmatized word anywhere in their start, end, or rel respectively
# :type {startLemmas, endLemmas, relLemmas}: word
# :param text: matches any of startLemmas, endLemmas, or relLemmas 
# :type text: word
# :param surfaceText: matches edges with the given word in their surface text. The word is not lemmatized, but it is a case-insensitive match
# :type surfaceText: word
# :param minWeight: filters for edges whose weight is at least weight
# :type minWeight: float
# :param limit: change the number of results from the default of 50
# :type limit: integer
# :param offset: skip the specified amount of first results
# :type offset: integer 
# :param features: Takes in a feature string (an assertion with one open slot), and returns edges having exactly that string as one of their features
# :type features: string of uri
# :param filter: If 'core', only get edges from the ConceptNet 5 Core (not from ShareAlike resources), if 'core-assetions', search for edges by default, and there can be many edges representing the same assertion.
# :type filter: Either 'core' or 'core-assertions'

Basic usage:

# Search for the edges whose relation is 'be often compared to'
s = Search(rel='/c/en/be_often_compare_to')
data =
r = Result(data)
# print results in key = value format 

# Search for any edge whose any of 'startLemmas', 'endLemmas' or 'relLemmas' matches 
# 'mariah carey' and whose 'surfaceText' matches 'dion'. Here the arg'something' is 
# not supported, so it will be ignored constructing query URL.
s = Search(text='mariah carey', surfaceText='dion', something='anything')
data =
r = Result(data)
# print results in key = value format 

Association API

This allows to retrieve the similarity between two concepts or to retrieve list of concepts which are similar to several concepts.

Supported arguments:

# :param limit: change the number of results from the default of 50
# :type limit: integer
# :param filter: return only results that start with the given URI. For example, filter=/c/en returns results in English.
# :type filter: a uri, e.g. '/c/en/cat' (Different than lookup API!)

Basic usage:

# get how similar cats and dogs 
a = Association(filter='/c/en/dog', limit=1)
data = a.get_similar_concepts('cat')
r = Result(data)
# print results in key = value format 

a = Association()
data = a.get_similar_concepts_by_term_list(['toast', 'cereal', 'juice', 'egg'])
r = Result(data)
# print results in key = value format 

Parsing response with Result class

Two methods are supported at this moment:

  1. print_raw_results(self): Prints the results in key = value manner. Since only 'numFound, maxScore' and 'edges' are returned most of the time, so the keys will be those.

  2. parse_all_edges(self, clean_self_ref): Parses the edges for this result object, initiates an edge object for each and returns list of these edge objects. If clean_self_ref is set, the self referencing edges with any kind of relation, such as '/c/en/see_movie /r/Causes/ /c/en/see_move', will not be included in the returned list.