it-projects-llc / odoo-runbot-docker

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The project allows to deploy your own runbot for your odoo repositories.


Docker engine

First of all you need to install docker engine:

Simplified instruction can be found here:


Install nginx on your host server

apt-get install nginx

Then add configs for nginx:

Restart nginx.

Postfix container (change runbot.local to your host)

docker run -e MAILNAME=runbot.local --name postfix -d itprojectsllc/postfix-docker

Postgres container

Run (create) postgres docker (we use 9.5 due to postgres bug )

docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo --name db-9.5 postgres:9.5

Odoo container

Run (create) runbot container (change runbot.local to your host)

docker run \
-h runbot.local \
-p 18069:8069 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /SOME/PATH/var-lib-odoo:/var/lib/odoo \
-v /SOME/PATH/odoo-extra:/mnt/odoo-extra \
--link db-9.5:db \
--link postfix:postfix \
--name odoo-runbot \
-t itprojectsllc/odoo-runbot-docker

Note. If you need to change something in docker run configuration (e.g. fix host name), you have stop container and then remove it:

docker rm odoo-runbot

Change master password

ODOO_MASTER_PASS=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-12};echo;`
docker exec -i -u root -t odoo-runbot sed -i "s/; admin_passwd = admin/admin_passwd = $ODOO_MASTER_PASS/" /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf
docker restart odoo-runbot
echo "password: $ODOO_MASTER_PASS"

Github configuration

Create personal access token

For each repository create Webhook:

Runbot Database

Create database with a name runbot via the link:


Then install module runbot_custom.

Now, For each repository create runbot.repo record:

Notes for private repository:

Pylint support:

Restart docker

See below

After deployment

Container's terminal

For any manipulation inside odoo-runbot container you need to connect to it:

docker exec -i --user=root -t odoo-runbot /bin/bash 

Restart containers

docker stop odoo-runbot && docker stop db-9.5 && docker start db-9.5 && docker start -a odoo-runbot

External dependencies

Connect to runbot container and install requiremnts, e.g.

wget -q -O- | pip install

Update runbot-addons

docker exec -i --user=root -t odoo-runbot  git -C /mnt/runbot-addons/ pull