it0819 / ConverterICStoCSV

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Goal of the project:

Development of a software, which can convert an ICS file into a CSV file. This software is can be executed on three of most popular platforms, i.e. Unix, Linux and Windows. There is no GUI. The software should be executed via console. The name or path of the source file (ICS file) must be given as a parameter in the command line. The CSV file will be created by the software and saved in the same folder where the software is located.

The program is written in C ++. An AWK approach is being considered.

Development Status (06/12/2020):

The software is still in the developing phase. The development team takes no responsibility for the using of the program code by the person who does not belong to the development team.


Convert Files from ICS-Format to CSV-Format with a CLI C++ Program for Win / Linux / Unix

How to

Compile the source-code with a c++ compiler for your operating system.

Put the Programm in the same folder where your ICS-File is and run the program from the CLI with an argument for the filename you want to convert.

Example: c:\myfolder\ConverterICStoCSV yourfile.ics

The Programm will then convert the ICS-File to CSV-File.