italia / spid-cie-oidc-django

The SPID/CIE OIDC Federation SDK, written in Python
Apache License 2.0
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SPID/CIE OIDC Federation is a suite of Django applications designed to make it easy to build an Openid Connect Federation, each of these can be installed separately within a django project. These are the following:

Application Description
spid_cie_oidc.accounts Customizable application that extends the django User model.
spid_cie_oidc.entity OpenID Connect Federation django app that implements OIDC Federation 1.0 Entity Statements, metadata discovery, Trust Chain, Trust Marks and Metadata policy. Technical specifications: OIDC Federation Entity
spid_cie_oidc.authority OpenID Connect Federation API and models for OIDC Federation Trust Chain/Intermediate, Technical specifications and tutorial.
spid_cie_oidc.onboarding OpenID Connect Federation onboarding demo service and tools
__spid_cie_oidc.relying_party__ OpenID Connect Relying Party and test suite for OIDC Providers
spid_cie_oidc.provider OpenID Connect Provider and test suite for OIDC Relying Parties


RP Auth demo An onboarded Relying Party with a succesful authentication.


All the Django apps are available in the folder spid_cie_oidc/. The examples projects are available in the folder examples/.

There is a substantial difference between an app and a project. The app is installed using a common python package manager, such as poetry or pip, and can be used, inherited, and integrated into other projects.

A project is a service configuration that integrates one or more applications. In this repository we have three example projects:

Federation Authority loads all the applications for development needs, acting as both authority, SPID RP and SPID OP. This allows us to make a demo by starting a single service. See admin page and user login page

Then we have also another Relying Party, as indipendent project, and another Provider configured with the CIE profile. Relying party and Provider are examples that only integrate spid_cie_oidc.entity and spid_cie_oidc.provider or __.relying_party__ as applications.

Read the setup documentation to get started.


Docker image

docker pull

Docker compose

Install Docker using the packages distributed from the official website and the following tools.

sudo pip install docker-compose

Please do your customizations in each files and/or in the example dumps json file.

Change hostnames from to which one configured in the compose file, in the files and in the dumps/example.json files. In our example we rename:

We can do that with the following steps:

Run the stack

sudo docker-compose up

Configure a proper DNS resolution for In GNU/Linux we can configure it in /etc/hosts:   localhost

Point your web browser to and do your first oidc authentication.


The demo proposes a small federation composed by the following entities:

In the docker example we have only the Federation Authority with an embedded SPID OP and a RP.

Examples Users and Passwords:

OpenAPI Schema 3

Each application has an exportable OAS3 available at /rest/schema.json with a browsable reDoc UI at /rest/api/docs.

RP Auth demo The reDoc OAS3 browsable page.


The OnBoarding app comes with the following collection of tools:

OIDC Tools OIDC tools facilitates the lives of developers and service operators, here a simple interface to decode and verify a JWT.

To explore a federation on the commandline, use the ofcli tool. It can be used to export federation metadata to json files for further analysis.


Your contribution is welcome, no question is useless and no answer is obvious, we need you.

Contribute as end user

Please open an issue if you've discoveerd a bug or if you want to ask some features.

Contribute as developer

Please open your Pull Requests on the dev branch. Please consider the following branches:

Backup and share your demo data

# backup your data (upgrade example data), -e excludes.
./ dumpdata -e admin -e spid_cie_oidc_relying_party -e spid_cie_oidc_provider -e spid_cie_oidc_relying_party_test -e auth -e contenttypes -e sessions --indent 2 > dumps/example.json

In this project we adopt Semver and Conventional commits specifications.

Implementation notes

All the operation related to JWT signature and encryption are built on top of IdentityPython cryptojwt

This project proposes an implementation of the italian OIDC Federation profile with automatic_client_registration and the adoption of the trust marks as mandatory.

If you're looking for a fully compliant implementation of OIDC Federation 1.0, with a full support of explicit client registration, please look at idpy's fedservice.

General Features

License and Authors

This software is released under the Apache 2 License by:

In this project we use the metadata policy code written by Roland Hedberg and licensed under the same Apache 2 license.