italia / spid-saml-check

Tool di verifica implementazione SPID SAML
European Union Public License 1.2
71 stars 59 forks source link

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SPID SAML Check is an application suite that provides some tools for Service Providers, useful for inspecting requests shipped to an Identity Provider, checking metadata compliance and sending custom responses back to Service Provider. It includes:

SPID SAML Check has been developed and is maintained by AgID - Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale.

Quick Start with Docker

The application suite is available as Docker image on DockerHub italia/spid-saml-check.

To start the Docker container use the following command

# Executes the last version
docker run -t -i -p 8443:8443 italia/spid-saml-check

# Executes a specific version
docker run -t -i -p 8443:8443 italia/spid-saml-check:v.1.8.2

The application spid-validator is immediately available at https://localhost:8443

On the console are printed useful information as:

Following is an output example you should see from the execution of one of the previous commands

> spid-validator@1.0.0 start-prod /spid-saml-check/spid-validator
> node server/spid-validator.js


Attach to container by this command: docker exec -it 41c81fba9a26 /bin/bash

version: 1.8.1-627d2e7-dirty

listening on port 8443

SPID SP Test Tool (spid-sp-test), version: 0.9.22

The images published on DockerHub contains metadata that provides informations about the software versions. To verify these metadata it's possible to execute the command docker image inspect italia/spid-saml-check:1.8.1 to obtain an output as follows.

"Labels": {
  "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "Michele D'Amico,",
  "": "italia/spid-saml-check",
  "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2021-10-02T21:03:16Z",
  "org.opencontainers.image.description": "SPID SAML Check è una suita applicativa che fornisce diversi strumenti ai Service Provider SPID, utili per ispezionare le request di autenticazione SAML inviate all'Identity Provider, verificare la correttezza del metadata e inviare response personalizzate al Service Provider.",
  "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "EUPL-1.2",
  "org.opencontainers.image.revision": "7117b67",
  "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
  "org.opencontainers.image.title": "SPID SAML Check",
  "org.opencontainers.image.url": "",
  "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "Developers Italia",
  "org.opencontainers.image.version": "1.8.1"

How to build and run with Docker

If you have modified the source code and you want to build your own image, you can do as follows.

# 1. Clone del repository
git clone

# 2. Esecuzione della build
cd spid-saml-check
docker build -t spid-saml-check .

Once the image build process end (it can take time for more minutes), to run the container it's possibile to execute the following command.

docker run -t -i -p 8443:8443 spid-saml-check

How to use it as a SPID Validator

The application spid-validator, if invoked as a web application as is, provides "basic", formal validation of a Service Provider's SAML metadata.

In order to unleash the full set of SPID compliance tests (the proper SPID Validator), retrieve the metadata of SPID Validator at https://localhost:8443/metadata.xml and configure it on as a new Identity Provider (IdP) under your Service Provider (SP) implementation.

When used in this fashion, the SPID Validator can be invoked as an IdP from your SP, listing 300+ individual controls, divided into 7 families:

To use the SPID Validator the AuthnRequest are thus sent from your SP, loggin in to Validator with credentials validator / validator

Usage steps

How to use it as a SPID Demo

The application spid-demo runs at: https://localhost:8443/demo

demo index page

Test users of spid-demo that can be used are listed at: https://localhost:8443/demo/users

demo users page

Usage steps