itchannel / fordpass-ha

Fordpass integration for Home Assistant
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assistant car fordpass home

Fordpass Home Assistant Integration


"Buy Me A Coffee"

[!WARNING] Due to what looks like a Ford API change the integration isn't currently working as of 08/05/2024. I recommend disabling it for the time being until we can take a look at what has changed.

For anyone who wants to try there is a version 1.70 which works but is more fiddly to setup. Please see for instructions

Important Update: New Ford API Challenges and Updates

Dear FordPass Integration Users,

We want to keep you informed about the latest developments regarding the integration. Ford has recently introduced a new API, which has presented both opportunities and challenges. Here are some key points to note:

Challenges and Issues:

Ongoing Work and Future Updates:

Please understand that there may be issues, or disruptions, to different sensors during this process.

If you have any questions or concerns, please either open a new issue or comment on an existing issue related to yours.

Thank you,

itchannel and SquidBytes


Account Warning (Sep 2023)

A number of users have encountered their accounts being banned for containing "+" symbols in their email. It appears Ford thinks this is a disposable email. So if you have a + in your email I recommend changing it.




Use HACS to add this repository as a custom repo. Upon installation navigate to your integrations, and follow the configuration options. You will need to provide:


Your car must have the lastest onboard modem functionality and have registered/authorised the fordpass application


Car Refresh

I have added a service to poll the car for updates, due to the battery drain I have left this up to you to set the interval. The service to be called is "refresh_status" and can be accessed in home assistant using "fordpass.refresh_status".

Optionally you can add the "vin" parameter followed by your VIN number to only refresh one vehicle. By default this service will refresh all registered cars in HA.

This will take up to 5 mins to update from the car once the service has been run

Unit Conversion

Click on options and choose imperial or metric to display in km/miles. Takes effect on next restart of home assistant. Default is Metric

Clear Tokens

If you are experiencing any sign in issues, please trying clearing your tokens using the "clear_tokens" service call.

Poll API

This service allows you to manually refresh/poll the API without waiting the set poll interval. Handy if you need quicker updates e.g. when driving for gps coordinates

Currently Working

Depending on your vehicles capability




This integration is not officially supported by Ford and as such using this integration could result in your account being locked out!