iterative / google-kaggle-competition

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How to install and run

  1. poetry install
  2. poetry shell which activates the environment
  3. dvc import data/ -o data/ -- it will import baseline dataset from our data registry.
  4. dvc repro

If dataset is imported but the data were removed/corrupted, it's enough to run dvc pull data/ to pull data from the remote.

DVC pipeline

We are using DVC pipeline to run and manage experiments. The definition of the pipeline consists of two parts:

Each stage is defined in a separate python file in src/stages. All helper functions and classes are in src/utils. When we run poetry install it installs this repo as python package so we can use it without adding it explicitly to PYTHONPATH.


For the baseline purposes we are using this starter dataset. We downloaded this dataset and added it to DVC remote in our S3 bucket. The command dvc pull data/ downloads the dataset to data/

How to add a new dataset

If you would like to run the pipeline with a custom dataset please refer to this repo. It has scripts to prepare data into format that the training pipeline expects.

The produced zip file should be placed to data/ then update params.yaml section train with archive name without the extension .zip

Metrics and visualisations

All metrics and visualisisations can be found under reports/. dvclive is produced by DVClive plugin that tracks live metrics of model training. reports/plots directory contains visualisations of embeddings.