Optimize (compress) images with power using imagemin :muscle:
npm install --global imagemin-power-cli
Also you can install package locally:
npm install --save imagemin-power-cli
$ imagemin-power [input] [options]
$ imagemin-power <file> > <output>
$ cat <file> | imagemin-power > <output>
Input: Files(s), glob(s), or nothing to use stdin.
If an input argument is wrapped in quotation marks, it will be passed to
node-glob for cross-platform glob support. \`node_modules\` and
\`bower_components\` are always ignored. You can also pass no input and use
stdin, instead.
-c, --config Configuration for plugins, need export \`plugins\`.
-d, --cwd Current working directory.
-m, --max-concurrency Sets the maximum number of instances of Imagemin that can run at once.
-p, --plugin Override the default plugins.
-o, --out-dir Output directory (respect \`cwd\` argument).
-r, --recursive Run the command recursively.
-i, --ignore-errors Not stop on errors (it works with only with <path|glob>).
-s --silent Reported only errors.
-v, --verbose Reported everything.
$ imagemin-power images/* --out-dir=build
$ imagemin-power foo.png > foo-optimized.png
$ cat foo.png | imagemin-power > foo-optimized.png
$ imagemin-power --plugins=pngquant foo.png > foo-optimized.png
Feel free to push your code if you agree with publishing under the MIT license.