ithaca-comp-345 / Game_Masters_Friend

Dungeons and Dragons Campaign and Stat Manager
MIT License
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Dungeons and Dragons Campaign Manager

Master: CircleCI

Client Description of Problem: Whenever I run a session, or even plan one, I find I have at least 10 to 20 tabs open at once to a wide range of sources. However I believe it would be much simpler if all this information was condensed into a single place.

If it were all in a single location it would also make it infinitely easier for me to share information with my players and for them to share with me. This software would be a mix between google docs, roll20, and D&D beyond, combining all their best aspects for free.

Separate folders store information about towns and cities, NPC’s, player characters, past sessions, history, monsters, homebrew items, maps, and future plans. Towns and cities would contain information about locations that have been visited, inhabitants, gossip, and specific history. NPC’s can be searched through based on location, race, class, importance, and occupation. Player characters would have their sheet, backgrounds, potential images, and other relevant aspects.

Past sessions would simply be document notes divided by date. History would be divided between local, regional, and divine. Monsters would contain the information for any recently used, upcoming , or repeated encounters so as to be easily reached. A lot of things would link to other areas in order to enable ease of movement and minimal tab opening. Players would also have access to the campaign, but could only add to their own character, and only see what the GM has labeled as something they should be able to see.

Developer Description of what to Build" A comprehensive Dungeons and Dragons Campaign Manager that handles character creation and game setup to in depth campaign customization and control over every aspect of running a D&D Campaign from the Dungeon Master's perspective.

Diagrams & Documents:

Use Case:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:

Scenarios & Narratives: - Columns and their card count

Sprint 1:

Sprint 1 Agenda Doc:

Retrospective Time Report Doc:

Sprint Goal: The goal is be able to create and log in to an account and create characters to be stored within an account. Any account should be able to create a blank campaign and invite players to it and show notes about the campaign with them.

Sprint 2:

Sprint Goal: Be able to run a full encounter with all involved actors in a location. Some sort of UI that demostrates everything properly. Simplifying file structure and dependencies so that everything works together smoothly. Have a working simplified UI for at least one aspect of the software. A demo for all things built this sprint should be presented at the end of it.

Sprint 2 Agenda Doc:

Sprint 2 Retrospective

Sprint 3:

Sprint Goal: Create working interfaces to help as a companion to app to Dungeon Master to help improve data storage and generation. Unifying the already built systems into one cohesive piece of software.

Product Goal: A piece of software that helps maintain the structure and data in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign and works as a companion to dungeon master.

User Documents: Form:

Walkthrough Doc:

**Final Sprint Retrospective: