itsJess1ca / ytplay

A Playlist app for Youtube's playlists
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

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Manage and play youtube playlists in an easy to use UI

This is a WIP app for playing youtube playlists/videos - This will also eventually expose a websocket connection with current song information eventually, making it perfect for live video etc.

Basic scripts

Use yarn start for dev server. Default dev port is 3000.

Use yarn run start:hmr to run dev server in HMR mode.

Use yarn run build for production build.

Use yarn run server:prod for production server and production watch. Default production port is 8088.

Default ports and option to use proxy backend for dev server can be changed in constants.js file.

To create AOT version, run yarn run compile. This will compile and build script. Then you can use yarn run prodserver to see to serve files. Do not use build:aot directly unless you have already compiled. Use yarn run compile instead, it compiles and builds:aot

The scripts are set to compile css next to scss because ngc compiler does not support Sass. To compile scss, use yarn run sass, but many of the scripts will either build or watch scss files.