itsmeludo / PhylOligo

Bioinformatics / Explore oligonucleotide composition similarity between assembly contigs or scaffolds to detect contaminant DNA.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bioinformatics / Genomics Explore oligonucleotide composition similarity between assembly contigs or scaffolds to detect contaminant DNA.

New install with conda:

conda install phyloligo -c itsmeludo

You might want to install it in an environnement:

conda create -n phyloligo
conda activate phyloligo
conda install phyloligo -c itsmeludo

(Optional) Preprocess the original assembly/raw reads in order to filter out entries, reduce computational time and increase signal

Filter short sequences or highly conserved repeats. [-h] -i INPUTFASTA [-p PERCENTILE] [-m MIN_SEQSIZE]
                          [-c CUMULATED_SEQSIZE] [-g CUMULATED_PERCENTSIZE]
                          [-s SAMPLING] [-u SAMPLE_SIZE] [-r] [-o OUTPUTFASTA]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PERCENTILE         remove sequences of size not in Xth percentile
  -m MIN_SEQSIZE        remove sequences shorter than the provided minimal
  -c CUMULATED_SEQSIZE  select sequences until their cumulated size reach this
                        parameter. if -r is used, sequences are picked
                        select sequences until their cumulated size reach a
                        percentage of the sequences in the entry file as a
                        whole. if -r is used, sequences are picked randomly.
  -s SAMPLING           percentage of reads to sample
  -u SAMPLE_SIZE        number of reads to sample
  -r                    the order of the sequences are randomized

Generate the all-by-all contig distance matrix -d JSD -i genome.fasta -o genome.JSD.mat -c 64

Parameters: [-h] -i GENOME [-k PATTERN] [-s {both,plus,minus}]
                    [-d {Eucl,JSD,KT,BC,SC}] [--freq-chunk-size FREQCHUNKSIZE]
                    [--dist-chunk-size DISTCHUNKSIZE] --method {scoop,joblib}
                    [--large {None,memmap,h5py}] [-c THREADS_MAX]
                    [-o OUT_FILE] [-q OUT_FREQ_FILE] [-w WORKDIR] [-p PATTERN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i GENOME, --assembly GENOME
                        multifasta of the genome assembly
                        word lenght / kmer length / k [default:4]
  -s {both,plus,minus}, --strand {both,plus,minus}
                        strand used to compute microcomposition.
  -d {Eucl,JSD,KT,BC,SC}, --distance {Eucl,JSD,KT,BC,SC}
                        how to compute distance between two signatures : Eucl
                        : Euclidean[default:Eucl], JSD : Jensen-Shannon
                        divergence, KT: Kendall's tau, BC: Bray-Curtis,
                        SC:Spearman Correlation
  --freq-chunk-size FREQCHUNKSIZE
                        the size of the chunk to use in scoop to compute
  --dist-chunk-size DISTCHUNKSIZE
                        the size of the chunk to use in scoop to compute
  --method {scoop,joblib}
                        don't use scoop to compute distances use joblib
  --large {None,memmap,h5py}
                        used in combination with joblib for large dataset
                        how many threads to use for windows microcomposition
  -o OUT_FILE, --out OUT_FILE
                        output file[default:phyloligo.out]
                        kmer frequencies output file [default:infile_None]
  -w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
                        working directory
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        spaced-word pattern string, only containing 1s and 0s,
                        i.e. '100101001', default='1111'

Regroup contigs by compositional similarity on a tree and explore branching

phyloselect.R -d -m -c 0.95 -s 4000 -t BIONJ -f c -w 20  -i genome.JSD.mat -a genome.fasta -o genome_conta 


                    All-by-all contig distance matrix, tab separated (required)
                    Multifasta file of the contigs (required)
                    Tree building type. [phylogram, cladogram,
                    fan, unrooted, radial] by default cladogram.
                    Tree drawing type [NJ, UPGMA, BIONJ, wardD,
                    wardD2, Hsingle, Hcomplete, WPGMA, WPGMC, UPGMC] by default NJ.
                    Should a matrix heatmap should be produced
                    Threshold to exclude very distant contigs based on the distance
                    distribution. Use if the tree is squashed by repeats or 
                    degenerated/uninformative contigs [0.97]
                    Min length in bp of contigs to use in the matrix and tree.
                    Use if the tree is squashed by repeats or 
                    degenerated/uninformative contigs [4000]
                    Should the R environment be saved for later exploration?
                    The filename will be generated from the outfile parameter
                    or its default value
                    Max edge assembly length percentage displayed (%)
                    Min edge assembly length percentage displayed (%)
                    Ratio of out-of-range percentages to display (%)
                    Outfile name, default:phyloligo.out
                    Display branch length
                    Branch width factor [40]
                    Says what the program do.
                    This help.

note: PhyloSelect uses the library Ape and its interactive clade selection function on a tree plot with the mouse. X11 is therefore required. If the program has to run on a server -typically for memory reasons- please use the -X option of ssh to allow X11 forwarding.

Regroup contigs by compositional similarity: hierarchical DBSCAN or K-medoids clustering and multidimensional scaling display with t-SNE -i genome.JSD.mat -t -m hdbscan --noX -o genome_conta

Parameters: [-h] -i DISTMAT [-t] [-p PERPLEXITY] -m
                      {hdbscan,kmedoids} [--minclustersize MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE]
                      [--minsamples MIN_SAMPLES] [-k NBK] [-f FASTAFILE]
                      [--interactive] [--large {memmap,h5py}] [--noX] -o
                      OUTPUTDIR [-q IN_FREQ_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DISTMAT            The input matrix file
  -t                    Perform tsne for visualization and pre-clustering
  -p PERPLEXITY         Change the perplexity value
  -m {hdbscan,kmedoids}
                        Method to use to compute cluster on transformed
                        distance matrix
  --minclustersize MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE
                        Set the minimal cluster size of an HDBSCAN cluster
  --minsamples MIN_SAMPLES
                        Set the minimal sample size of an HDBSCAN cluster
  -k NBK                Number of cluster
  -f FASTAFILE          Path of the original fasta file used for the
                        computation of the distance matrix
  --interactive         Allow the user to run the script in an interactive
                        mode and change clustering parameter on the fly
                        (require -t)
  --large {memmap,h5py}
                        Used in combination with joblib for large dataset
  --noX                 Instead of showing pictures, store them in png
  -q IN_FREQ_FILE, --infreq IN_FREQ_FILE
                        kmer frequencies input file[default:None]. If
                        provided, the clustering is performed on the kmer
                        frequency matrix instead of on the contig distance

Extract DNA segments with homogeneous olignonucleotide composition from a genome assembly using ContaLocate

Once you have explored your assembly's oligonucleotide composition, identified and selected -potentially partial- contaminant material, use ContaLocate to target species-specific contaminant DNA according to a double parametrical threshold.

contalocate.R -i genome.fasta -r genome_host.fa -c genome_conta_1.fa 

The training set for the host genome can be omitted if the amount of contaminant is negligible. In this case, the profile of the host will be trained on the whole genome, including the contaminant.

contalocate.R -i genome.fasta -c genome_conta_1.fa 

The set up of the thresholds can be manually enforced. The user will interactively prompted to set the thresholds given the distribution of windows divergence.

contalocate.R -i genome.fasta -c genome_conta_1.fa -m


    -i|--genome              Multifasta of the genome assembly (required)
    -r|--host_learn          Host training set (optional)
    -c|--conta_learn         Contaminant training set (optional) if missing and sliding window parameters are given, the sliding windows composition will be compared to the whole genome composition to contrast potential HGTs (prokaryotes and simple eukaryotes only)
    -t|--win_step            Step of the sliding windows analysis to locate the contaminant (optional) default: 500bp or 100bp
    -w|--win_size            Length of the sliding window to locate the contaminant (optional) default: 5000bp 
    -W|--outputdir           path to outputdir directory
    -d|--dist                Divergence metric used to compare profiles: (KL), JSD or Eucl
    -m|--manual_threshold    You will be asked to manually set the thresholds
    -h|--help                This help


A new install from conda is available! check it out:

conda install phyloligo -c itsmeludo

You might want to install it in an environnement:

conda create -n phyloligo
conda activate phyloligo
conda install phyloligo -c itsmeludo

Legacy install procedures as follow ;)

PhylOligo softwares need python 3.4 or newer and several R and python packages.

If python or R are not installed on your system:

apt-get install python3-dev python3-setuptools r-base git emboss samtools
git clone

or download it from

If you have administrator rights or if you are working in a python virtual environment:

git clone
cd PhylOligo
pip3 install .

You can also install it locally using:

git clone
cd PhylOligo
pip3 install . --user

Or to install it locally in a folder of your choice:

pip3 install . --prefix /my/local/folder

If locally installed, be sure to add the local directory with executable in your executable path. On linux:

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH -h

If you want to install the dependencies separately use:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In R, as root or user


Link the programs into a directory listed in your $PATH

ln -s "`pwd`/src/phyloselect.R" <a directory in your $PATH variable>
ln -s `pwd`/src/contalocate.R <a directory in your $PATH variable>
apt-get install emboss samtools

Test and examples

Pipeline example with the M. oryzae fasta file in the data folder.

First example: -i data/M.oryzae_TH12.fasta --method joblib -p 1111 -s both -d JSD -c 8 -w data/example1/ -o data/example1/M.oryzae_TH12_ex1_JSD_joblib.mat

Compare the result matrix with the reference matrix --mat1 data/references/M.oryzae_TH12_JSD_ref.mat --format1 numpy --mat2 data/example1/M.oryzae_TH12_ex1_JSD_joblib.mat --format2 numpy

Other method can be used to compute the distance matrix:

Scoop can also be used to distribute the worker on a SGE cluster. However, the cluster must be set to allow ssh connection between nodes. Please see with your IT administrator.