itsmohit097 / medi-hub

MIT License
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Welcome to **MediHub**: Your All-in-One Hospital Management Solution! MediHub is an open-source web application designed to revolutionize healthcare management. Developed using the powerful MERN stack, it offers seamless management of appointments, patient records, and doctor interactions, all in one convenient platform. **Key Features:** 1. **Streamlined Workflow**: With MediHub, healthcare professionals can efficiently manage appointments, access patient records, and communicate with colleagues, all within a unified and intuitive interface. 2. **Enhanced Security**: Our platform ensures top-notch security with robust JWT authentication, safeguarding sensitive patient data and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. 3. **Efficient File Management**: Say goodbye to cumbersome file uploads! MediHub seamlessly integrates with Cloudinary, providing optimal storage and retrieval for images and documents. 4. **Insightful Analytics**: Gain valuable insights into your operations with our intuitive admin dashboard. Track appointment schedules, analyze patient data, and make informed decisions to optimize your healthcare services. **Our Mission:** At MediHub, our mission is clear: to empower healthcare professionals with the tools they need to deliver exceptional patient care. By fostering a collaborative community and providing a user-friendly platform, we aim to promote innovation and drive positive change in the healthcare industry. Join us on our journey to transform healthcare management. Whether you're a developer, healthcare professional, or simply passionate about improving healthcare services, MediHub welcomes you to be a part of our community! --- Feel free to customize it further to fit your preferences! > Here is an example of a Profile

💻 Tech Stack

Folder Structure

The project repository is organized as follows:

🚀 Quick start

1. Fork this repository

2. Clone your forked repository

git clone

3. Change the directory and install dependencies :

   cd frontend
   npm install or npm i

   cd backend
   npm install or npm i

   cd dashboard
   npm install or npm i

4. Start the development environment:

   npm run dev // for all
   now open the local host

🙌 Contributing

Warning: Please do not spam the repository with unnecessary PRs. Make sure to follow the project's Code of Conduct.