ituob / itu-ob-data

ITU Operational Bulletin Data
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= ITU Operational Bulletin Data

The data here is used in building site, as we well as PDF & HTML deliverables (work in progress).

image::["deploy (main)", link=""] image::["deploy (staging)", link=""]

== General

Provides a formalized representation of OB and associated ITU publications.

== Modifying data

The link:[ITU OB editor] app, currently in early alpha testing mode, will be the primary tool for modifying this data.

The app will enable ITU OB authors to create & edit bulletin editions through graphical user interface, and push the changes to the repository (subsequently triggering CI build).

== Vocabulary

List:: a dataset maintained by ITU in connection with a certain Recommendation.

List position:: a snapshot of that dataset deemed as valid at given point in time. + From time to time (could be every few years), a new snapshot of a List is created. + This happens around planned publication date of next OB issue, and that issue is then published with dataset snapshot (List position) annexed to it. + Subsequent OB issues may disseminate amendments to that dataset, until a new snapshot is published.

Lists annexed:: see "Running annexes".

Running annexes:: effective datasets (Lists) or their latest snapshots (List positions) disseminated by ITU at given point in time. + A list of running annexes at the time of each OB issue’s publication date is provided in the beginning of that issue under "Lists annexed" section. A list of current annexes as of latest issue is provided on ITU site under ITU-T publications section.

ITU OB:: ITU Operational Bulletin.

Message:: a piece of information disseminated via ITU OB. Maps to a section within an OB issue. + Usually a message is connected to an ITU recommendation. + A message may be an amendment, or otherwise be a notice of general kind. + (The system that reads this dataset fills out, partially or fully, message contents based on message type, user input, linked data and OB issues.)

Amendment:: an update to a service publication (a List position annexed to a previous OB issue, or an external publication). + Always specifies the target being amended.

Amendment target:: references the original publication being amended. + Must specify publication (specifying original publication) and, where applicable, position_on (specifying the version/issue/snapshot). If not provided, position_on will be assumed to be the latest position annexed to one of the preceding OB editions.

External publication:: ITU publication not annexed to a previous OB issue, such as List V, List VIII or NNP / Telephone Service dataset.

== Message types

See: (

Following message types currently are implemented:

Most message types specify freeform contents using contents: <relative path to .adoc file> key.

Certain message types require messages to specify particular set of keys.

== Localized contents

Data that supports multiple languages is specified in the following format:


some_translatable_field: en: Hello ja: こんにちは

In above example localizable values are strings, but they can also be objects (in case of formatted freeform contents output, ProseMirror-style):


some_translatable_contents: en: type: doc content:

Translatable string values may also contain relative paths to .adoc files, in cases with localizable freeform message contents.