ityonemo / realbook

imperative server provisioning for elixir
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You... rather dislike Ansible. And wish there were a simple, imperative DSL that did all the things that Ansible doesn't do. The code you write should be explicit, variables should be tracked, easily inspected, and it should be in a turing-complete language.

This is the package for you.

Feature Roadmap

0.2.0 represents the first release which has been tested in a real-world deployment scenario.

0.4.0 will add extra guards and protections, including optional typing on variables.

The API will be stabilized by 0.5.0, at which point the following features will be tested:

The 1.0 version will include telemetry and operability features, possibly include support for a pluggable Phoenix LiveView dashboard.

PRs and assistance greatly welcome.


  1. You must set the directory that contains your Realbook scripts:

    Application.put_env(:realbook, :script_dir, "scripts/")
  2. In your scripts directory, write your scripts as .exs files, for example into example.exs:

    verify do
    run! "test -f /tmp/foo"
    play do
    run! "touch /tmp/foo"
  3. Connect to your server.

    Realbook.connect!(:ssh, host: "my_host_name", user: "my_user_name")
  4. Run it!"example.exs")

For further information, check the Guides section of the documentation.


The package can be installed by adding realbook to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:realbook, "~> 0.3.1"}

Documentation can be found at