itzikb / docker-tempest

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It's meant to make it easy to configure and run tempest against an existing cloud.

Note This image contains tempest tests. There are other images as well:

Note: If you already have the image use the following to get the latest build

$ sudo docker pull itzikb/docker-tempest

Docker should be installed and running. To install it run(Fedora):

$ sudo dnf -y install docker && sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

or For other RHEL based distros:

$ sudo yum -y install docker && sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

Before running you need to have a directory with overcloudrc file and set the SELinux file context.

For example:

$ mkdir /home/stack/authdir
$ cp /home/stack/overcloudrc /home/stack/authdir
$ sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /home/stack/authdir

To use it run the following (Here overcloudrc file is under /home/stack/authdir):

$ sudo docker run -it --name mytempest --network host -v /home/stack/authdir:/env itzikb/docker-tempest  /bin/bash 

Note: Don't use the /home/stack directory as it may result in an unexpected behavior

If you need to run the script (for now just adding lbaasv2 extenstion) run as follows:

$ sudo docker run -it --name mytempest --network host -e OTHER_CONFIG=/home/centos/scripts/ -v /home/stack:/env itzikb/docker-tempest  /bin/bash

Inside the container run

$ cd ~/tempest-upstream/tempest
$ sudo ~/scripts/
$ source ../bin/activate
$ stestr list

itzikb/docker-tempest is the docker image to use (don't change)

You can access the container by running

$ sudo docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash

You can see all the containers by running

$ sudo docker ps -a 


After Redployment tests are complaining about connections timeout Make sure you either run a new container or copy over the overcloudrc to the directory you use (e.g. authdir) and run the ~/scripts/ script