iuni-cadre / Collaborative-projects

For non-fellow collaborative projects on CADRE
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Welcome to the CADRE collaborative repository!

This is the official public Repo for collaborative projects on CADRE. You can open issues for technical feature requests and follow up with our on-going user projects. Please feel free to open new issues for ideas and disscussion. If you prefer more private conversations with the CADRE team, please email us at cadre@iu.edu.

For potential collaborators and contributors of CADRE, we will have recently announced the CADRE Fellowship program. Applications are now open at our website.

You can also preview our notebook environment by clicking Binder. It is built as a demo for reproducible container environments (Follow our step-by-step instruciton at the wiki page.). It is currently hosted by the public Binder server. CADRE Fellows and our future users can expect a similar implementation on our server.