ivadomed / Bidsification

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This repo aims at creating a pipeline which could determine de bidnomenclature of a MRI image file from it's content.

The first part consist in training the required contrast classifier models. The goal of this part if to build robust networks that can take 2D 1 channel MRI image of any shape, any view point, any field of view and output it's contrast.

The first network, in its dedicated branch, is designed to discriminate T1w against T2w.

First T1W / T2w classifier (proof of concept)


In order to launch the training, one can use this command : python train.py --evaluate True --model_path /path/to/model.pth --model_output path/to/model_out.pth

In order to launch the testing, one can use this command : python train.py --evaluate True --model_path /path/to/model.pth --model_output path/to/model_out.pth


The original training set is extracted from the public dataset Spine Generic. This Dataset contains 3D images and require proper prepocessing to be used. The spine generic dataset is meant to be stored like data/data-multi-subject/..


The data has been preprocesse to make the network as robust as possible

Network Structure

The network used is a ResNet18 from pytorch library modified to handle 1 channel images and to output a 2D vector.