Closed jcohenadad closed 1 year ago
Thank you for this detailed description! This functionality could be potentially implemented into the script (which already allows MS lesion segmentation/corrections for model_seg_sci project).
Great suggestion @valosekj! Here is what I have so far- I based it off of the script we wrote for the mp2rage corrections along with help from @sandrinebedard and her ukbiobank script. Happy to discuss how we can integrate it into the script!
# Create manual MS lesion segmentation from T2w images.
# Usage:
# ./ <SUBJECT>
# Manual segmentations created by this script will be located under:
# PATH_DATA_PROCESSED/derivatives/labels/SUBJECT/anat/
# Authors: Sandrine Bédard, Jan Valosek, Michelle Chen, Julien Cohen-Adad
# How to use: sct_run_batch -jobs 1 -path-data <> -path-output <> -script
set -x
# Immediately exit if error
set -e -o pipefail
# Exit if user presses CTRL+C (Linux) or CMD+C (OSX)
trap "echo Caught Keyboard Interrupt within script. Exiting now.; exit" INT
# Retrieve input params
# Save script path
# get starting time:
start=`date +%s`
# ==============================================================================
# Display useful info for the log, such as SCT version, RAM and CPU cores available
sct_check_dependencies -short
# Go to folder where data will be copied and processed
# Copy list of participants in processed data folder
if [[ ! -f "participants.tsv" ]]; then
rsync -avzh $PATH_DATA/participants.tsv .
# Copy list of participants in resutls folder
if [[ ! -f $PATH_RESULTS/"participants.tsv" ]]; then
rsync -avzh $PATH_DATA/participants.tsv $PATH_RESULTS/"participants.tsv"
# Copy source images
rsync -Ravzh $PATH_DATA/./$SUBJECT .
# Copy PSIR segmentation
rsync -Ravzh $PATH_DATA/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT//[\/]/_}_PSIR_lesion-manual.nii.gz ./$SUBJECT .
# Go to anat folder where all structural data are located
cd ${SUBJECT}/anat/
# T2w segmentation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define variables
# We do a substitution '/' --> '_' in case there is a subfolder 'ses-0X/'
if [[ -e ${fileT2w}.nii.gz ]]; then
# Create a subject folder under the derivatives
mkdir -p ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/
# denoise T2w image
sct_maths -i ${fileT2w}.nii.gz -denoise p=1,b=2 -o ${fileT2w}_denoised-p1b2.nii.gz
# resample existing PSIR segmentation into T2w space
sct_resample -i ${filePSIRseg}.nii.gz -mm 0.8x0.8x0.8 -o ${filePSIRseg}_r.nii.gz
# create an empty mask from T2w image
sct_create_mask -i ${fileT2w}.nii.gz -o ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${fileT2w}_lesion-manual.nii.gz -p center -size 0
# convert mask to proper datatype
sct_image -i ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${fileT2w}_lesion-manual.nii.gz -type uint16 -o ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${fileT2w}_lesion-manual.nii.gz
# open fsleyes with T2w image, T2w denoised image, PSIR image, resampled PSIR segmentation, and T2w mask
fsleyes ${fileT2w}.nii.gz ${fileT2w}_denoised-p1b2.nii.gz ${filePSIR}.nii.gz ${filePSIRseg}_r.nii.gz ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${file}_lesion-manual.nii.gz
# remove temporary data
rm -f ${fileT2w}_denoised-p1b2.nii.gz ${filePSIRseg}_r.nii.gz
# create a json sidecar
cur_time=$(python <<< "import time;print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))")
echo -e "{\n \"Author\": \"Michelle Chen\",\n \"Label\": \"lesion-manualNeuroPoly\",\n \"Date\": \"${cur_time}\"\n}" > ${PATH_DATA_PROCESSED}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${file}_lesion-manual.json
# Display useful info for the log
end=`date +%s`
echo "~~~"
echo "SCT version: `sct_version`"
echo "Ran on: `uname -nsr`"
echo "Duration: $(($runtime / 3600))hrs $((($runtime / 60) % 60))min $(($runtime % 60))sec"
echo "~~~"
Update- @valosekj and I had a discussion and he will help to integrate the tasks for the ground truth protocol into the script later today or tomorrow.
We tested the script above on one subject and noticed that after resampling the existing PSIR segmentation into the T2w space, it was slightly shifted and some segmentations inaccurately labeled CSF. Then we opened the non-resampled PSIR segmentation and it was misaligned as well. Since existing PSIR segmentations only exist for one site and ground truth segmentations will be created on the T2w image using the PSIR segmentation as a guide, we thought it might not be necessary to include the PSIR segmentation reampling step.
Create a script and/or SHELL syntax (inspiration from that does: