A Pug plugin to use CSS Modules.
include:scss ./styles-pug.scss
Code above will be processed into:
<span class="base_1591y_1">
<span class="background_1591y_1"></span>
Firstly it will search css-classes into in local template, then into global map, if nothing matches css-class will be handled as global one.
You can pass all the same options that available for CSS Modules into plugin, example:
let PugPluginCSSModules = require('pug-plugin-css-modules').default;
let compile = pug.renderFile(`path-to-pug-template`, {
pretty: true,
plugins: [PugPluginCSSModules({
generateScopedName: '[path][local]-[hash:base64:10]',
getJSON: (json) => {
"use strict";
console.log(`>> json: ${JSON.stringify(json, null, 4)}`);
fs.writeFileSync(`path-to-output-file`, compile);
Plugin applies after filters so you feel free to use any css-preprocessors (like scss, less).