A python package which brings better docstrings with an impeccable bedside manner.
The attending
supervises other docs, and has the last word.
See EXAMPLE.md to get started.
Supports Python 3.6 and above!
It is widely accepted that Python comes with "batteries included", but one could also argue that "instructions may not be included" is a fair assessment.
The CPython community, which develops reference implementation of the language, prefers the cross-referencing and coherent standalone documentation provided by docs.python.org
The job of the attending
is to make more documentation available directly in
the REPL.
One of the more ambitious goals of this project is a "No docstring left as None" policy. A docstring of None is a bug in the standard library.
It's a joy to have usage examples in the docstring of a function. In the scientific Python community, that is a standard. Guido van Rossum was asked this question directly at the first PyData workshop in 2012, and replied:
You can't really expect us to write all of the documentation twice. So,
we've made a very solid commitment to having external documentation. I'm
not entirely sure how to build that interactive system but we can generate
different formats from the external documentation, it's not tied to HTML...
I don't think that you can get people to agree that we should abandon the
practice of writing good external documentation and instead start writing
good docstrings. It's one or the other, and we have too large an investment
in tools that do external documentation really well.
?zealdocs - "an offline documentation browser for software developers."