ivanproskuryakov / ta-search

Trade entry indicator detection library
27 stars 10 forks source link
freqtrade pandas python3



Entry indicator detection library and strategies for FreqTrade trade bot, see user_data/strategies directory.

freqtrade trade --config config.5m.json --strategy TaSearchLevelG15m --db-url sqlite:///TaSearchLevelG15m.5m.sqlite
freqtrade trade --config config.15m.json --strategy TaSearchLevelH15m --db-url sqlite:///TaSearchLevelH15m.15m.sqlite
freqtrade trade --config config.30m.json --strategy TaSearchLevelL30m --db-url sqlite:///TaSearchLevelL15m.30m.sqlite

model predict


For development copy the repository using git clone and install package requirements with commands below.

python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt


The command to download time series data for an interval

python download.py LDO 5m 1666310400 1667210709
python download.py LDO 30m 1666310400 1667210709

Run tests

python -m pytest test
python -m pytest -s test/user_data/strategies/test_TaSearchLevelG15m.py
python -m pytest -s test/user_data/strategies/test_TaSearchLevelH15m.py
python -m pytest -s test/user_data/strategies/test_TaSearchLevelJ15m.py