The surveillance system for SuperviseIt project. The objective of the surveillance system is to keep track of the puzzle player's hand, the robotic arm, and the puzzle workspace. Segmentation of the robotic arm is not for tracking purposes, but for ignoring that area and knowing that it visually occludes the puzzle workspace. The robotic arm is under control, thus its state is known. In principle, the surveillance system collects the data generated by a perceiver and farms it off for additional processing. It's design can be monolithic, in which case all of the code is contained within the surveillance class. This case is most compatible with a traditionally coded and executed system. It can also be federated, in which case the manages the flow of information to asynchronously run processes. Federated implementations are more compatible with ROS-type implementation that coordinate information flow and processing through the use of topics.
The modules associated to this surveillance system are:
To implement the entire system requires several custom packages, each contained in its own repository. They are listed below. To run the surveillance system requires installing the repositories from source:
git clone
pip3 install -e Surveillance/
Unit test for the individual modules. For more details, refer to README.
We have integrated the designed system with ROS. For more details, refer to README.
04/22/2022 Meeting with the Dr. Adan Vela:
is good.