ivm25 / marketing_mix_modelling

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marketing mix modelling

  1. Business Problem:

    • Non existence of easily explainable, presentable and robust marketing mix models.

    • The existing models are either very complex and a black box to the key stakeholders or they are not robust enough to explain all possible economic and non-econmic factors responsbile for the success/non-success of marketing projects.

  2. Aims of the project:

    a) Develop a marketing mix modelling prototype project that can be scaled for different scenarios.

    b) Present the key findings in a simple and engaging manner to non- technical people.

    c) Take into account adstock scenarios and aim to develop modular structure, keeping in mind future scaling.

  3. Key Deliverables:

    a) A modular script structure in python that creates a basic marketing mix model.

    b) Use dash to create a simple way to interact with the charts and key model outputs.