ivoa-std / SIA

Simple Image Access
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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The Simple Image Access protocol (SIA) provides capabilities for the discovery, description, access, and retrieval of multi-dimensional image datasets, including 2-D images as well as datacubes of three or more dimensions.


The last stable version is REC-2.0.

SIA 2.0 ported to github

Want to contribute?

  1. Raise a GitHub Issue on this repository

  2. Fork this repository (eventually clone it on your machine if you want to)

  3. Create a branch in your forked repository ; this branch should be named after the issue(s) to fix (for instance: issue-7-add-license)

  4. Commit suggested changes inside this branch

  5. Create a Pull Request on the official repository (note: a git push is needed first, if you are working on a clone)

  6. Wait for someone to review your Pull Request and accept it

_This process has been described and demonstrated during the IVOA Interoperability Meeting of Oct. 2019 in Groningen ; see slides)_


Creative Commons License
The IVOA Architecture document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.