ivotron / normalmodes-workflows

Workflows for computing the normal mode at planetary scales using the NormalModes application
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Normal Modes Workflows

This repository contains Github Action workflows showcasing how to automate the computation of planetary-scale normal modes using the NormalModes software package. Please refer to the NormalModes repository for detailed information on how this application works.

The workflows contained in the workflows/ folder build the NormalModes application and its dependencies (they're part of this repository in the submodules/ folder), and subsequently run a demo.

  1. containerized. This workflow runs in a container runtime, specifically in Docker or Singularity.

  2. containerless. This workflow runs directly on the host machine and assumes that all dependencies have been previously installed/loaded (mpicc, make, mpi, etc.).

These workflows can be executed with the Popper command line tool. For example:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/popperized/normalmodes-workflows

cd normalmodes-workflows/workflows/containerized

popper run

NOTE: The --recursive flag is required in order to download > the https://github.com/js1019/pEVSL and https://github.com/js1019/NormalModes projects, > which are submodules of this repository.

For more information on each workflow, take a look at the README file in each corresponding subfolder.