ivotron / quiho-popper

Popper repository for the quiho paper
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Popper repository for the quiho paper:

Ivo Jimenez, Noah Watkins, Michael Sevilla, Jay Lofstead, and Carlos Maltzahn. 2018. quiho: Automated Performance Regression Testing Using Inferred Resource Utilization Profiles. In ICPE '18: ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, April 9–13, 2018, Berlin, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3184407.3184422

This repository contains experiments, results, and manuscript.

Getting Started

This repository contains all artifacts necessary to replicate results or re-generate the PDF. For the replicating results, there are two main components:

Assuming one has Docker installed locally (we have only tested on Linux and OSX), the following re-executes both, data generation and the analysis:

cd quiho-popper/pipelines/single-node
export CI=1

Quick description of what these commands do:

Replicating Results


All the plots in the article were obtained from this Jupyter notebook in this repository. The notebook contains the source code for all plots, as well as others that didn't fit due to space constraints. GitHub renders Notebooks on the browser, so you should be able to see the graphs and the code directly on your browser if you click on the link.

If you need to re-run the analysis, the datapackage/ folder contains the raw data that can be used to re-execute the analysis. To interact with the notebook in real-time, you can click on Binder, which will open a live Jupyter notebook. To re-run the notebook, click on Cell->Run All (more info on how to use Jupyter here).

Alternatively, if you have Docker installed, you can launch a local Jupyter server, clone this repo to your machine and analyze locally:

cd quiho-popper/

docker run --rm -d -p 8888:8888 \
  -v `pwd`:/home/jovyan \
  jupyter/scipy-notebook start-notebook.sh --NotebookApp.token=""

# go to http://localhost:8888


Re-executing the experiment requires having compute resources available. If you happen to have a cluster of machines available, then you can follow the steps on the On-premises section. These should be Linux machines with Docker and rsync installed, as well as passwordless SSH (and sudo) access.

NOTE: The quiho approach relies on having as much performance variability as possible among the machines it's running on. So running on a cluster of homogeneous machines won't replicate the results in the paper.


The main experiment requires Docker to be installed on your machine. To execute:

  1. Write a quiho-popper/geni/machines file following the Ansible inventory format (an INI-like file). For example:

    node1.my.domain ansible_user=myuser
    node2.my.domain ansible_user=myuser
    node3.my.domain ansible_user=myuser
  2. If you need to, edit the vars.yml file in order to update any parameters of the experiment.

  3. Define a SSHKEY variable containing the path or value of the SSH key used to authenticate with the hosts.

  4. Execute the run.sh script.

The following is an example bash session:

cd quiho-popper/pipelines/single-node

# edit machines file to add the hostnames of machines you have available
# vim quiho-popper/machines file

# edit any parameters to the experiment
# vim vars.yml

export SSHKEY=`~/.ssh/mysshkey`



The data in the paper was obtained by running the experiment on CloudLab. It is possible to re-execute the experiment, provided one has an account there. After creating an account:

  1. Obtain credentials (see here). This will result in having a cloudlab.pem file on your machine.

  2. Clone this repository.

  3. Create the following environment variables:

    • CLOUDLAB_USER. Your user at CloudLab.
    • CLOUDLAB_PASSWORD. Your password for CloudLab.
    • CLOUDLAB_PROJECT. The name of the project your account belongs to on CloudLab.
    • CLOUDLAB_PUBKEY_PATH. The path to your SSH key registered with CloudLab.
    • CLOUDLAB_SSHKEY_PATH. The path to your private SSH key registered with CloudLab.
    • CLOUDLAB_CERT_PATH. The path to the cloudlab.pem file downloaded in step 1.
  4. Run the following steps:

    cd quiho-popper/pipelines/single-node


The experiment is continuously tested via Travis. To run a test on Travis yourself:

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Login to TravisCI using your GitHub credentials and enable Travis awesomeness on your fork (see guide here).

  3. Trigger an execution by creating and pushing a commit to your fork. For example, modify the vars.yml file and commit it. Or to trigger with an empty commit do:

    git commit -m 'trigger TravisCI build' --allow-empty

    NOTE: TravisCI has a limit of 2 hours, after which the test is terminated and failed. For this reason, the setup/travis.sh modifies the vars.yml in order to generate parameters that take shorter to run (approx 15 mins). The test in this case only obtains one data point for one application (sklearn).

How To Evaluate

One alternative workflow for evaluating these artifacts:

  1. Inspect the bash scripts located in the pipelines/single-node folder. The Getting Started section above gives a high-level view of what each script does. In particular, the vars.yml file contains the complete list of all the benchmarks executed for the paper.

  2. Quickly testing that the pipeline works on a subset of benchmarks:

  3. If reviewers have access to compute resources or an account at CloudLab, the full data generation step can be executed (see On-Premises or CloudLab).

  4. Click on zenodo badge to verify that there's an archive of this repository. Beside the infrastructure dependencies (Linux hosts running Docker), there are several dependencies:

    * Benchmarks that get executed. These are maintained 
      separately in [this 
      repository](https://github.com/ivotron/docker-bench/) and 
      all are available at [this DockerHub 
    * [`baseliner`](https://github.com/ivotron/baseliner), the 
      test driver that executes the benchmarks on remotes 
      machines. This is [maintained separately](https://github.com/ivotron/baseliner) and docker images 
      are available on the corresponding [DockerHub 
    * When executing on CloudLab, the
      [`geni-lib`](https://bitbucket.org/emulab/geni-lib) python 
      library is used to automate the allocation of machines. This 
      is packaged as a [Docker 
      container](https://github.com/ivotron/docker-geni-lib) and 
      images are available on 
    * [Jupyter](http://jupyter.org/) data science stack. These 
      Docker images are [maintained by the Jupyter 
      project](https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/) and 
      images are available on 

    Given that compressing all these dependencies would result in a very large file, we have left them out of the tarball that has been submitted for review. However, we would be happy to make tarballs for each available upon request.