iwkz-dev / saso-backend

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---- English below ----


Aplikasi ini menggunakan npm: 8.1.4 dan node: v14.17.3. Untuk saat ini tolong install mongoDb di local kalian Jika ingin berkontribusi untuk aplikasi ini silahkan mengclone repository ini:

git clone https://github.com/Saso-Ecommerce/iwkz-saso-be.git

lalu lakukan perintah ini di terminal / cmd kalian"

npm run setup

Setalah process npm run setup selesai, isinya dari .env kalian bisa meminta ke Bang Juan / Ilham / Asra

Setelah semua process penginstallan selesai kalian bisa melakukan

npm run start

di terminal kalian

Dan di setiap membuat file dengan extension .js tolong ditambahkan di line 1

"use strict"


This application uses npm: 8.1.4 and node: v14.17.3. For now, please install mongoDb on your local machine. If you want to contribute to this application, please clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Saso-Ecommerce/iwkz-saso-be.git

then run this command in your terminal / cmd:

npm run setup

After the npm run setup process is finished, you can ask Bang Juan / Ilham / Asra for the contents of your .env file.

Once all installation processes are complete, you can run:

npm run start

in your terminal.

And for every file you create with the .js extension, please add the following line to line 1:

"use strict"