iykyk-syn / unison

Consensus nodes performing in unison!
Apache License 2.0
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Consensus nodes performing in unison!

The Unison project is a collection of modular and reusable BFT consensus and broadcast software primitives bundled together as a protocol set for scalable and modular(lazy) blockchain networks. It's a consensus stack that cleanly separates concerns allowing them to scale reliably.

Philosophically, Unison stack draws inspiration from projects like Celestia, LLVM and libp2p. Practically, Unison implements protocols alike to Narwhal, Bullshark with Shoal and Pilotfish.


List of currently implemented packages with implementation status:

🟢 - Needs minor improvements

🟡 - Needs major redesign/refactorings

🔴 - To be removed

Design Goals

TODO: These are supposed to be extended later and categorized e.g. software design goals vs protocol design goals



Why Golang?

The Golang is only for the start and rapid prototyping. The stack is aimed to have multiple implementations over the same spec. Once certain parts of the protocol leave out prototype/PoC status they will be immediately scheduled for specification unblocking other implementations.

But why start with Golang and not Rust?

The most CT likable way would be starting straight with Rust, but we are going with Golang for pragmatic reasons. Golang has this simplicity in it that allows you to experiment and quickly iterate over designs. Rust on the other hand is cumbersome. Yes, it gives greater flexibility and more ways of solving a problem, but we believe it's a distraction initially.

Besides, Golang is one of the best tools when it comes to networking and distributed systems with rich ecosystem and highly mature. It doesn't have all the great features and flexibility that Rust has to offer, but it sufficient-enough to build scalable and robust software with design goals we aim for.

Another important reason is that current team has multi-year experience building p2p and distributed systems in Go.

Why Cap’n Proto serialization?

Choosing serialization is crucial. It's a decision that is hard to rewind as project matures. Even our protocol design aims to be serialization agnostic by making protocol layers care about bytes with certain constraints, we don't expect things to be perfect from very beginning and expect serialization to be invasive across the stack. After careful consideration, we settle on Cap’n Proto with the following rationale.


This is the main reason to use Cap’n Proto. ReBro aims for maximum throughput while allocations during serialization and deserialization are major bottlenecks. Cap'n Proto addresses that by providing arena allocators and random in-memory field access from allocated buffers, so there is effectively no serialization and deserialization happening.


Cap'n Proto has a well-defined and efficient canonical form that is necessary for cryptographic nature of ReBro.

Protobuf Successor

Cap’n Proto learns from multi-year accumulated protobuf experience and is authored by the same expert.


Reached stable v1 release after going incrementally with minor releases from v0.1. This indicates maturity and willingness for the long term support. Besides, it is used by Cloudflare extensively, which is another great signal.


Cap’n Proto provides RPC framework and a versatile IDL to describe those. We don't intend to use it initially, but it will be handy at later stages for interoperability across programming languages. Particularly, when network nodes evolve to sets of microservices where each service is written in a different language.

Why libp2p?

Libp2p has build multifaceted reputation. Some folks can find it amazing, while some will look at it with disgust. Objectively, libp2p is a powerful toolbox with most of the engineering problems solved when you tackle p2p networks. Most of the protocol designers neglect the complexity that networking and p2p networks bring to the table and this is where libp2p can shine by saving countless engineering hours. A simple way of thinking about libp2p would be as a collection of conditions and edge-cases accumulated from dozens of p2p networks that any other network will inevitably face. If you don't want to discover and learn all the implementation details the hard way through trial and error - libp2p is your choice.

Another important argument against using libp2p is the overhead it brings. Literally, purely operating transports like QUIC will be slightly more efficient without libp2p wrappings, e.g. for connection throughput. However, we consider this is an acceptable tradeoff at least initially. The overhead libp2p brings, as proven by other networks, will become a bottleneck in a distant future. The strategy is to bootstraps our development with libp2p, then, once we observe a bottleneck, we contribute back by optimizing that portion. If that's not feasible, we get rid of libp2p in that portion of the stack in favour of highly optimized solution. The great thing about libp2p's library design is that it is not as invasive and together with rebro's system architecture swapping out pieces with optimization purposes won't be complicated.