iynere / compare-url

CircleCI 2.1 pipelines disable the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL environment variable, useful when working with monorepo projects. This orb manually recreates (and improves!) it.
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do something clever for tag-triggered jobs/workflows #12

Open iynere opened 5 years ago

iynere commented 5 years ago

tag-triggered jobs / workflows don't technically have a branch, although circle in-essence treats them as if they do—there's some strange edge case behavior here....

sibelius commented 5 years ago

the commit range could be based on the latest tag before the current tag, example:

from tag v1.0.0 to v1.0.1

iynere commented 5 years ago

hmmm, interesting thought @sibelius i don't think that would fit most of the use cases for git tag-triggered jobs/workflows, at least not in my experience—when i push tags to trigger jobs, i'm rarely interested in what's changed since the previous tag

sibelius commented 5 years ago

we use tag to track our releases

this could be useful to track which microservices to deploy based on the changes from the last release

iynere commented 5 years ago

oh totally, that makes a lot of sense to me. like, compare the source @ the current tag to the source @ the previous tag.

if you have a sense of how we'd implement that, feel free to submit a PR @sibelius & thank you !