iynere / compare-url

CircleCI 2.1 pipelines disable the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL environment variable, useful when working with monorepo projects. This orb manually recreates (and improves!) it.
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CircleCI's 2.1 config processing preview disables the $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL environment variable, useful when working with monorepo projects. This orb manually recreates (and slightly improves!) it.


Originally, and as recreated here, $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL outputs a URL of the following form, slighly different for GitHub vs. Bitbucket projects:

# GitHub

# Bitbucket

$COMMIT2 always represents the current job's commit ($CIRCLE_SHA1). In the most common use case, $COMMIT1 will be the most recent previously pushed commit on the same branch as the current job.

If the current branch is new or has only ever had a single commit pushed to it, then $COMMIT1 will be the most recent ancestor commit as defined in the git specifications (whereas the original $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL environment variable would, in this case, instead output a compare URL containing only $COMMIT2—essentially unusable in the monorepo scenario that this orb addresses).


Declare the orb in your config.yml file:

  circle-compare-url: iynere/compare-url@x.y.z

Then call the orb's reconstruct command or job:

Command usage

  - checkout
  - circle-compare-url/reconstruct

Job usage

      - circle-compare-url/reconstruct
      - deploy:
            - circle-compare-url/reconstruct

use command

Finally, the circle-compare-url/use command saves the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL value, previously stored in file, to a local environment variable and transforms it into a true commit range value (stored as a COMMIT_RANGE environment variable), ready to be utilized as desired:

- circle-compare-url/use:
    step-name: Desired step name to display on CircleCI
    attach-workspace: # set this to `true` if `reconstruct` was called as a job; default is `false`
    custom-logic: |
      # what would you like to do with the $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL/$COMMIT_RANGE values?
      # this typically involves some kind of dynamic decision-making about release types,
      # based on what level of changes were made to your source code between the base commit and the current commit
      # for examples, see below



The orb's reconstruct command and job both take three optional parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
circle-token env_var_name CIRCLE_TOKEN Name of environment variable storing your CircleCI API token
project-path string ~/project Absolute path to your project's base directory, for running git commands
debug boolean false Additional debugging output for folks developing the orb
when enum always Specify when this command will run ([always, on_fail, on_success])

Its job also takes an optional fourth paramater, which allows users to run the job in a smaller container to conserve resources:

Parameter Type Default Description
resource-class enum medium Container size for reconstruct job (["small", "medium"])


The use command also takes three optional parameters and one that is technically optional but typically required:

Parameter Type Default Description
step-name string Evaluate/use CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL Specify a custom step name for this command, if desired
attach-workspace boolean false Attach a workspace for this command to use? Useful when this orb's reconstruct job is called upstream in a given workflow
workspace-root string "." Workspace root path (either an absolute path or a path relative to the working directory), defaults to "." (the working directory)
custom-logic string echo "What should COMMIT_RANGE ($COMMIT_RANGE) be used for?" What should be done with the commit information created by the reconstruct command/job? See examples in the orb registry (or below)

Refer to CircleCI's Reusing Config documentation for additional information about parameters.


The below examples are drawn from CircleCI's circleci-orbs monorepo, where the Compare URL Orb is used to automate publishing changes to individual orbs. See that repository's config.yml file for a more recent iteration of what follows.

By default, every new CircleCI step runs in a fresh shell. Thus, any environment variables stored during the circle-compare-url/reconstruct step would not be available to subsequent steps, without additional configuration by the end user (e.g., exporting the environment variable to a .bash_env and then file manually sourcing that file in any subsequent steps).

To mitigate this problem, the orb outputs the $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL data to a file called CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL.txt, making it available to any subsequent steps (and even subsequent jobs, via Workspaces). It also persists this file, along with a BASE_COMPARE_COMMIT.txt file, to a workspace, for possible usage in downstream jobs.

Thus, as seen in the below examples, it may be necessary to save the contents of the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL.txt file as a (step-localized) environment variable in any steps that will make use of the compare URL.

Command example

version: 2.1

  compare-url: iynere/compare-url@x.y.z

      - image: circleci/circleci-cli
      - checkout

      - compare-url/reconstruct

      - compare-url/use:
          step-name: Publish modified orbs
          custom-logic: |
            for ORB in folder-containing-orb-subdirs/*/; do

              orbname=$(basename $ORB)

              if [[ $(git diff $COMMIT_RANGE --name-status | grep "$orbname") ]]; then

                echo "publishing ${orbname}"

                circleci orb publish ${ORB}/orb.yml namespace/${orbname}@version
                echo "${orbname} not modified; no need to publish"

      - publish

Job example

version: 2.1

  compare-url: iynere/compare-url@x.y.z

      - image: circleci/circleci-cli
      - checkout

      - compare-url/use:
          step-name: Publish modified orbs
          attach-workspace: true
          command: |
            for ORB in folder-containing-orb-subdirs/*/; do

              orbname=$(basename $ORB)

              if [[ $(git diff $COMMIT_RANGE --name-status | grep "$orbname") ]]; then

                echo "publishing ${orbname}"

                circleci orb publish ${ORB}/orb.yml namespace/${orbname}@version
                echo "${orbname} not modified; no need to publish"

      - compare-url/reconstruct
      - publish:
            - compare-url/reconstruct


See CircleCI's Creating Orbs documentation to get started.

This orb has only minimal testing—issues, pull requests, or other suggestions are welcome towards the goal of improving test depth/coverage.

See Creating automated build, test, and deploy workflows for orbs, part 1 and Creating automated build, test, and deploy workflows for orbs, part 2 for more information on automated orb testing/deployment.