izderadicka / adecaptcha

8 stars 3 forks source link

This project is focused on decoding of audio captchas, which often might be much easier then breaking visual captchas. It was tested on uloz.to audio captchas (as of April 2018)

Code is hosted on https://github.com/izderadicka/adecaptcha

( Old version https://code.launchpad.net/~ivan-zderadicka/adecaptcha/trunk)

Some description (of older version) is here: http://old.zderadicka.eu/adecaptcha.php

How to make it work (on linux) - uloz.to capchas recognition with PyLoad:

It's still Python2, so make sure python2 is installed (which is not by default in new distributions, as it's EOLed)

git clone https://github.com/izderadicka/adecaptcha.git

cd adecaptcha/

concerning pymad I tested with manually build library - see below

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-numpy python-scipy python-pymad python-pyao python-pip

sudo pip2 install cython numpy scipy lxml

build cython extensions

python2 setup.py build_ext --inplace

cd adecaptcha/libsvm-3.17/

make clean make lib

cd ..


rm svm;ln -s libsvm-3.17/python/ svm

testing if it works - should print correct capcha text (get http:://sound url from ulozto site

cd ..

moving to system python path

sudo mv adecaptcha/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/

If you want to use with pyload just install on same machine and assure that ulozto hoster is set

to Sound captcha and restart pyLoadCore

pymad and pyao manual install

alternatively numpy,scipy and cython could be installed via pip however pyao and pymad should be installed from source:

sudo apt-get install libmad0-dev git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/jaqx0r/pymad cd pymad/ python2 config_unix.py sudo python2 setup.py install

cd ..

wget -O - http://ekyo.nerim.net/software/pyogg/pyao-0.82.tar.gz | tar xzv sudo apt-get install libao-dev wget -O - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/pyao_0.82-5build1.debian.tar.gz| tar xzv patch -p0 -i debian/patches/driver_id.patch patch -p0 -i debian/patches/int_format_strings.patch patch -p0 -i debian/patches/python25.patch cd pyao-0.82/ python config_unix.py python setup.py install

cd .. rm -r pyao-0.82 debian/ pymad

Advanced - how to train for new audio samples

Download enough samples ~500 should be enough (if sample contains 4 letters), load them in one directory sound and picture must have same base name (xyz.wav and xyz.gif)

Start python samplestool.py (requires also pyqt4, pyao, matplotlib modules). There set:

Then click Next button and it opens first sample, go through several samples to set segmentation data correctly.

When you think segmentation is set properly, check "Analyze segmentation initially" - it then calculates number of segments for all samples and prints some stats - ideally all samples should have same number of segments.

If there is some initial/final sound, that is not part of captcha text, you can set what segments should be considered as a part of captcha (supports python indexing - so end = -4 means last 4 segments)

Now you need to transcribe all samples - write letters corresponding for current captcha and click next. It's bit dull job but should not take much more then an hour for 500 samples.

If all samples are transcribed you can generate training data for SVM classificator and save segmentation configuration. Click "Generate Training Data" button. After clicking file dialog is opened - save data within 'libsm-3.17/tools' directory say as 'xxx.data'. Progress dialog appears so wait until the process ends.

Before creating model from your data assure that you have packages gnuplot and gnuplot-x11 installed (they are used by training tools).

First we need to split data to training and test sets (test set will be used to measure classificator accuracy) - for test data we can dedicate about 10% of all data set, that's 200 (500 4 0.1) in this case.

cd libsm-3.17/tools ./subset.py -s 1 xxx.data 200 xxx.test xxx.train

now we can do the training of the SVM classifier with our data: ./easy.py xxx.train xxx.test

this can take quite some time - up to half an hour, so keep it running (you'll see some charts from gnuplot) See result - specially check of classification accuracy, in ideal case you should see: Accuracy = 100% (200/200) (classification), but 90% is good if audio captchas are noisy. (with 90% chance on one letter you have app. 66% change to recognize 4 letters captcha - and for 3 attempts you have 96% chance to succeed)

after this we have all we need, just copy cp xxx.cfg ../../xxx.cfg cp xxx.train.range ../../xxx.range cp xxx.train.model ../../xxx.model

cd ../..

check that xxx.cfg - contains keys for model and range files: { ...

, 'range_file':'xxx.range', 'model_file':'xxx.model' }

and test if it works: ./adechaptcha.py xxx.conf "http://some_server/audio_captcha.wav"

Thanks to authors of all these great tools and libraries: numpy, scipy, pymad, pyao, pyqt4, pyload, matplotlib and libsvm

History: 4-Apr-13 - Fixed issues with libsvm seg fault when called from multiple threads 12-Aug-14 - updated with some fixes - support of wav, new segmentation algorithm, pyload plugin update, ... 16-Apr-2018 - updated to work with Ubuntu 16.04 and recent libraries, improved segmentation algorithm and samlestoop.py