izuchukwumba / site-unit2-project1-music-playlist-explorer-starter

Starter code for the Music Playlist Explorer project
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Unit 2 Assignment: Music Playlist Explorer

Submitted by: Izuchukwu Mba

Estimated time spent: 20 hours spent in total

Deployed Application (optional): Music Playlist Explorer Deployed Site

Application Features



Walkthrough Video



Add your response here: Yes it did

Add your response here: I would have made a more appealing UI, implemented the Edit feature and optimized some added features.

Add your response here: Some of my peers build faster and so were able to complete all stretch goals. I will try this approach for next week and make sure all goals are done.

Open-source libraries used

Shout out

Give a shout out to somebody from your cohort that especially helped you during your project. This can be a fellow peer, instructor, TA, mentor, etc. Shoutout to Sammy! Great teacher.