izumin5210 / grapi

😮 A surprisingly easy API server and generator in gRPC and Go
MIT License
427 stars 39 forks source link
api golang grpc microservice


CI GoDoc Go Report Card GitHub release (latest SemVer) license

:open_mouth: A surprisingly easy API server and generator in gRPC and Go



:warning: Migrate 0.4.x -> 0.5.x :warning:

grapiserver will not handle os signals from v0.5.x. We recommend to use appctx.Global() if you want to handle them.

:memo: How to migrate 0. Bump grapi version - `go get -u github.com/izumin5210/grapi@v0.5' 1. Update `cmd/server/run.go` - ```diff // Application context - ctx := context.Background() + ctx := appctx.Global() ``` - ```diff - return s.ServeContext(ctx) + return s.Serve(ctx) ```

:warning: Migrate 0.3.x -> 0.4.x :warning:

Some tools that are depended by grapi are updated. If you have a grapi project <=v0.3.x, you should migrate it.

:memo: How to migrate 0. Bump grapi version - If you use [dep](https://golang.github.io/dep/), update `Gopkg.toml` ```diff [[constraint]] name = "github.com/izumin5210/grapi" - version = "0.3.0" + version = "0.4.0" ``` - and run `dep ensure` 1. Update [gex](https://github.com/izumin5210/gex) and `tools.go` - ``` go get -u github.com/izumin5210/gex/cmd/gex gex --regen ``` 1. Initialize [Go Modules](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules) - ``` go mod init go mod tidy ``` 1. Update `grapi.toml` - ```diff package = "yourcompany.yourappname" [grapi] server_dir = "./app/server" [protoc] protos_dir = "./api/protos" out_dir = "./api" import_dirs = [ "./api/protos", - "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway", - "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis", + '{{ module "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway" }}', + '{{ module "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway" }}/third_party/googleapis', ] [[protoc.plugins]] name = "go" args = { plugins = "grpc", paths = "source_relative" } [[protoc.plugins]] name = "grpc-gateway" args = { logtostderr = true, paths = "source_relative" } [[protoc.plugins]] name = "swagger" args = { logtostderr = true } ``` 1. Drop dep - ``` rm Gopkg.* ```

:warning: Migrate 0.2.x -> 0.3.x :warning:

grapi v0.3.0 has some breaking changes. If you have a grapi project <=v0.2.x, you should migrate it.

:memo: How to migrate 0. Bump grapi version - If you use [dep](https://golang.github.io/dep/), update `Gopkg.toml` ```diff [[constraint]] name = "github.com/izumin5210/grapi" - version = "0.2.2" + version = "0.3.0" ``` - and run `dep ensure` 1. Introduce [gex](https://github.com/izumin5210/gex) - ``` go get github.com/izumin5210/gex/cmd/gex ``` 1. Add defualt generator plugins: - ``` gex \ --add github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi \ --add github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi-gen-command \ --add github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi-gen-service \ --add github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi-gen-scaffold-service \ --add github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi-gen-type ``` 1. Add protoc plugins via gex - ``` gex \ --add github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go \ --add github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway \ --add github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger ``` - Remove protoc plugins from `Gopkg.toml` ```diff -required = [ - "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go", - "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway", - "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger", -] ``` 1. Update `grapi.toml` - ```diff +package = "yourcompany.yourappname" + [grapi] server_dir = "./app/server" [protoc] protos_dir = "./api/protos" out_dir = "./api" import_dirs = [ + "./api/protos", "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway", "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis", ] [[protoc.plugins]] - path = "./vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go" name = "go" args = { plugins = "grpc", paths = "source_relative" } [[protoc.plugins]] - path = "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway" name = "grpc-gateway" - args = { logtostderr = true } + args = { logtostderr = true, paths = "source_relative" } [[protoc.plugins]] - path = "./vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger" name = "swagger" args = { logtostderr = true } ```

Getting Started

Create a new application

$ grapi init awesome-app

Create a new service

$ grapi g service books

Or, if you need full standard methods, you can get them with following command:

$ grapi g scaffold-service books

And you should register generated services to the grapiserver.Engine instance:

 // app/run.go

 // Run starts the grapiserver.
 func Run() error {
    s := grapiserver.New(
+           server.NewBookServiceServer(),
-       // TODO
    return s.Serve()

If you updated service definition, you can re-generate .pb.go and .pb.gw.go with following command:

$ grapi protoc

Start server

$ grapi server

User-defined commands

$ grapi g command import-books
$ vim cmd/import-books/run.go  # implements the command
$ grapi import-books  # run the command

Build commands (including server)

$ grapi build


  1. grapi
    • Linux
      • curl -Lo grapi https://github.com/izumin5210/grapi/releases/download/v0.2.2/grapi_linux_amd64 && chmod +x grapi && sudo mv grapi /usr/local/bin
    • macOS
      • brew install izumin5210/tools/grapi
    • others
      • go get github.com/izumin5210/grapi/cmd/grapi
  2. dep or Modules
    • dep
      • macOS
        • brew install dep
      • others
        • See Installation · dep
        • curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh
    • Modules (experimental)
      • Use Go 1.11 and set GO111MODULE=on your env vars
  3. protoc
    • macOS
      • brew install protobuf
    • others