Final Project - by GA WDIR student Hanna Hauck
A small web app for keeping track of and analyzing your coffee consumption.
Link to API:
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, NodeJS, Express, ChartJS
Backend: Ruby on Rails
Database: Postgresql
- drinking coffee is an essential part in the daily lives of Americans
- more than half of Americans aged 18+ drink coffee every day (see:
- this app allows users to track and analyze their coffee consumption
- the purpose is to allow users to get a better understanding of how much coffee
they drink as well as how their consumer choices impact their own lives (health
/ finances), as well as the world around them (environment / society)
- interactive frontend app, written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS and jQuery
- Express serves static frontend files
- connected to separate backend API via Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- API written in Ruby on Rails
- Users can save their information in database (Postgresql)
- authentication / authorization via JSON Webtoken
- third party API: USDA Food Composition Database (
- retrieved nutritional data for several selected ingredients for coffee beverages
(black coffee, expresso, whole milk, instant coffee) and saved it to table in own database
- set up rake task to check once a day if the content was updated (the largest
time span heroku allows, otherwise I would have checked for changes to the data once a month)
- when user selects a beverage, nutritional data is calculated based on USDA Food Composition data
- still work in progress!
- some functionality is up and running: users can log in, enter save and read
their data
- some functionality is still missing, including: environment section, society
section, custom filters
- design (current state does not reflect my vision for the final version)
- responsive design (current state does not reflect my vision for the final version)
- environment section (not currently functional, will include tally of paper cups
used based on the data user entered, graphs to visualize the data, facts/stats
on general problem with paper cup waste)
- society section (not currently functional, will include tally of fair trade products
purchased, option to filter according by rating)
- custom filters to sift through own data (by rating, by label 'fair trade', etc)
- more charts, more interactive data visualization
- more beverage options when entering data (currently user can only choose from
a very limited number of beverages)
- more context (currently only basic details are offered in the background section)