j-hive / morphfits

MorphFITS is a Galaxy Morphology Fitting system for JWST Data from the J-HIVE Project
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astronomy galaxy jwst morphology


MorphFITS is J-HIVE's morphology fitter program for Python.

In its current iteration, it contains GalWrap, a wrapper for GALFIT, for JWST data.


To install this program, clone this repository, navigate to it, and install via Poetry.

git clone git@github.com:j-hive/morphfits.git
cd morphfits
poetry install
MorphFITS uses the following directories for data files. Root Directory Files
input Input FITS files - PSFs, photometric catalogs, segmentation maps, exposure maps, science frames, and weight maps.
output Output files - catalogs, histograms, morphology fitting logs, and model FITS files.
products Intermediate files - stamps, sigma maps, PSF crops, masks, and feedfiles.
runs Runtime files - settings, catalog, histogram, and log for a run.

The following directory structure is recommended.

└── morphfits_root/
    ├── input/
    ├── output/
    ├── products/
    └── runs/

Only the input root is required to run the program. The other directories are assumed to be sibling directories of the input root.

This step is mandatory for GALFIT.

Download the GALFIT binary corresponding to your system, and move it to a known location, recommended to be morphfits_root/galfit.

This is under the parent directory of the input root, where any configuration YAML file can reside as well, as follows.

└── morphfits_root/
    ├── input/
    ├── output/
    ├── products/
    ├── runs/
    ├── galfit
    └── settings.yaml


To quickstart MorphFITS without data, run

poetry run morphfits initialize -i [INPUT_ROOT] -F abell2744clu -I grizli-v7.2 -L f200w-clear

for an INPUT_ROOT of your choosing, e.g. morphfits_root, which is untracked. The program will download the necessary .fits files from the DJA archive. Then, download the simulated PSF corresponding to the filter here, and move it to the psfs directory under the input root, i.e.

mv [DOWNLOADS]/PSF_NIRCam_in_flight_opd_filter_F200W.fits [INPUT_ROOT]/psfs

Now, with the input state ready for the pipeline, run

poetry run morphfits galwrap -i [INPUT_ROOT] -g [GALFIT_PATH] -O 4215

where the input root and path to the GALFIT binary must be provided. This fits the object indexed as 4215 by the UNCOVER catalog. To run over all 65k+ objects, simply exclude the -O 4215 option. To run over more than one field, image version, etc., it is recommended to use a configuration file instead.

For other examples, please follow one of the guides in the examples directory.


MorphFITS runs are based on FICLOs, configuration objects based on the parameters of field, image version, catalog version, filter, and object. To read more about FICLOs, and the directory structure, read the data documentation here.

Letter Name
F Field
I Image Version
C Catalog Version
L Filter
O Object

For a given FICLO, the program requires the following files.

  1. Simulated PSF
  2. Segmentation map
  3. Photometric catalog
  4. Exposure map
  5. Science frame
  6. Weights map

and the following input directory/filename structure.

Filesystem Tree File
├── psfs/
│   └── PSF_NIRCam_in_flight_opd_filter_{L}.fits
└── {F}/
    └── {I}/
        ├── {F}-{I}-ir_seg.fits
        ├── {F}-{I}-fix_phot_apcorr.fits
        └── {L}/
            ├── {F}-{I}-{L}_dr[c/z]_exp.fits
            ├── {F}-{I}-{L}_dr[c/z]_sci.fits
            └── {F}-{I}-{L}_dr[c/z]_wht.fits

1. Simulated PSF

2. Segmentation Map 3. Photometric Catalog
4. Exposure Map 5. Science Frame 6. Weights Map

for a given filter {F}, image version {I}, and filter {L}.

Please note


The program's settings can be configured via CLI call, or YAML file. If a setting is found in both, MorphFITS will prefer the former.

To run MorphFITS via CLI call, run

poetry run morphfits [command] [OPTIONS]

To run MorphFITS via configuration file, run

poetry run morphfits [command] -c [path/to/YAML]

To declare multiple fields, image versions, etc. via CLI call, list them in separate flags, i.e.

poetry run morphfits [command] --field=deep --field=shallow --field=north [OPTIONS]

For available commands, run

poetry run morphfits --help

and for command-specific help, run

poetry run morphfits [command] --help


MorphFITS runs the following stages. By default, all stages are run.

Stage Skip via CLI Include via YAML Description
Unzip --skip-unzip unzip Un-compress zipped input files.
Product --skip-product product Generate product files.
Morphology --skip-morphology morphology Run morphology fitting and generate output files.
Catalog --skip-catalog catalog Generate catalog files.
Histogram --skip-histogram histogram Generate histograms from catalog files.
Plot --skip-plot plot Generate plots from output and product files.
Cleanup --skip-cleanup cleanup Remove failed directories.

Stages can be skipped via CLI call by using one of the skip flags as above, which can be seen in the Stages section of the --help menu.

Alternatively, stages can be selected to run by YAML file by the keyword stages, i.e.

  - catalog
  - plot
  - cleanup

to only run the catalog, plotting, and cleanup stages.


MorphFITS generates the following files. By default, no files are remade.

File Remake via CLI Remake via YAML Description
Stamp --remake-stamps stamps Square cutout of FICLO.
Sigma Map --remake-sigmas sigmas Square variation map of FICLO.
PSF Crop --remake-psfs psfs Square PSF crop for FICLO.
Mask --remake-masks masks Square mask of FICLO.
Model --remake-morphology morphology Morphological model of FICLO.
Plots --remake-plots plots Histogram and model plots for FICLO.
Others --remake-feedfiles others Other files (e.g. feedfiles).

Files can be remade via CLI call by using one of the remake flags as above, which can be seen in the Remake section of the --help menu.

Alternatively, files can be remade by YAML file by the keyword remake, i.e.

  - stamps
  - morphology

to only remake the stamps and models.


To configure settings via CLI options or YAML file, set by the following keys.

CLI Full CLI YAML Type Description
--config -c config_path Path Path to configuration settings YAML file.
--galfit -g galfit_path Path Path to GALFIT executable binary. Required for galwrap.
--root -r morphfits_root Path Path to MorphFITS filesystem root. Either this or input root required.
--input -i input_root Path Path to root input directory. Either this or root required.
--output output_root Path Path to root output directory.
--product product_root Path Path to root product directory.
--run run_root Path Path to root run directory.
--field -F fields list[str] Fields to run.
--image-version -I image_versions list[str] Image versions to run.
--catalog-version -C catalog_versions list[str] Catalog versions to run.
--filter -L filters list[str] Filters to run.
--object -O objects list[int] Object IDs to run.
--first-object first_object int ID of first object in range.
--last-object last_object int ID of last object in range.
--batch-n-process -n batch_n_process int Number of processes in batch.
--batch-process-id -p batch_process_id int ID of process in batch.



To download all the required input frames for a given FICLO, run

poetry run morphfits initialize -c path/to/config.yaml

with a configuration file detailing FICLOs. Here's an example of a configuration YAML. Note you are still required to manually download the simulated PSF files from STSci and move them to the appropriate input_root/psfs directory. For more details, run

poetry run morphfits initialize --help

Batch Mode

To run MorphFITS over large ranges and multiple cores, it is recommended to run it via batch mode. This mode is activated by using the following arguments.

CLI Key YAML Key Type Default Description
--first-object first_object int None ID of first object in range.
--last-object first_object int None ID of last object in range.
--batch-n-process batch_n_process int 1 Total number of batch processes.
--batch-process-id batch_process_id int 0 Process ID of current run.

To run over all available objects in a catalog, don't provide arguments for --object, first-object, or last-object.

For example, to run over objects 10000 through 19999 in 5 processes, running the first process would be via

poetry run morphfits galwrap -i path/to/input -g path/to/galfit --first-object 10000 --last-object 20000 --batch-n-process 5 --batch-process-id 0

Single Operation

A typical run of MorphFITS involves collecting and structuring the correct data, then running the program.

poetry run morphfits galwrap -c examples/single_ficlo/settings.yaml

The model is visually compared in [ficlo_output]/plots/F_I_C_L_O_products.png, and stored as a FITS in [ficlo_output]/galfit/F_I_C_L_O_galfit.fits.


  1. J-HIVE
  3. DJA - The DAWN JWST Archive
  4. The JWST v7.2 Mosaics
  5. The Library of Simulated PSFs