j-roskopf / ComposeGuard

A Gradle plugin for detecting regressions in Jetpack Compose / Compose Multiplatform
MIT License
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Compose Guard

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A gradle plugin for detecting regressions in Jetpack Compose / Compose Multiplatform: * New restartable but not skippable @Composables are added * New unstable classes are added (only triggers if they are used as a @Composable parameter) * New @dynamic properties are added * New unstable parameters are added to a @Composable In an Android project, Compose Guard adds 3 tasks: * `ComposeCompilerGenerate` (example `./gradlew releaseComposeCompilerGenerate`) - Generate golden compose metrics to compare against * `ComposeCompilerCheck` (example `./gradlew releaseComposeCompilerCheck`) - Generates new metrics and compares against golden values * `./gradlew composeCompilerClean` - Deletes all compiler metrics In a Multiplatform project, Compose Guard adds the same 2 `Check` and `Generate` tasks (as well as a root `composeCompilerClean` task) for each supported target following the pattern `ComposeCompilerGenerate` * `ComposeCompilerGenerate` - Examples: `./gradlew androidReleaseComposeCompilerGenerate`, `./gradlew jvmComposeCompilerGenerate`, ` ./gradlew iosArm64ComposeCompilerGenerate`, `./gradlew jsComposeCompilerGenerate`, `./gradlew wasmJsComposeCompilerGenerate` - Generate golden compose metrics to compare against * `ComposeCompilerCheck` - Examples: `./gradlew androidReleaseComposeCompilerCheck`, `./gradlew jvmComposeCompilerCheck`, `./gradlew iosArm64ComposeCompilerCheck`, `./gradlew jsComposeCompilerCheck`, `./gradlew wasmJsComposeCompilerCheck` - Generates new metrics and compares against golden values * `./gradlew composeCompilerClean` - Deletes all compiler metrics ## Platforms ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android-black.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=android) | ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/iOS-black.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=apple) | ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Desktop-black.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=apple) | ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Web-black.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=google-chrome) :----: | :----: |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| :----: ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ ## Adding To Your Project Available via Maven Central - ![Maven Central Version](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.joetr.compose.guard/com.joetr.compose.guard.gradle.plugin) In your root build file: ```kotlin plugins { id("com.joetr.compose.guard") version "" apply false } ``` In any module you want to apply checks: ```kotlin plugins { id("com.joetr.compose.guard") } ``` ## Configuring Compose Guard Each check that is performed has the ability to be turned off in case it is not useful to you. ```kts composeGuardCheck { errorOnNewDynamicProperties = false // defaults to true errorOnNewRestartableButNotSkippableComposables = false // defaults to true errorOnNewUnstableClasses = false // defaults to true errorOnNewUnstableParams = false // defaults to true /** * In strong skipping mode (https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose/performance/stability/strongskipping) * you may not care about new unstable params if the composable is already skippable */ ignoreUnstableParamsOnSkippableComposables = true // defaults to false } ``` Additionally, the output directory of the golden metrics has the ability to be configured as well. ```kotlin composeGuardGenerate { outputDirectory = layout.projectDirectory.dir("custom_dir").asFile } ``` ## Signing locally This is required to test. * Install gnupg - https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/gnupg * Generate a key - https://central.sonatype.org/publish/requirements/gpg/#generating-a-key-pair * `gpg --full-generate-key` * List keys and grab newly generated key (40 digits) * `gpg --list-keys` * `gpg --export-secret-keys THE_KEY_THAT_YOU_JUST_GENERATED > composeguard.gpg` * Modify your gradle home `gradle.properties` with the following: ``` signing.keyId=LAST_8_DIGITS_OF_KEY signing.password=PASSWORD_USED_TO_GENERATE_KEY signing.secretKeyRingFile=/Users/YOURUSERNAME/.gnupg/composeguard.gpg (or wherever you stored the keyring you generated earlier) ``` ## Binary Compatibility Validator This project uses [this](https://github.com/Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator) tool to ensure the public binary API wasn't changed in a way that makes it binary incompatible. The tool allows dumping binary API of a JVM part of a Kotlin library that is public in the sense of Kotlin visibilities. To generate a new binary dump, run `./gradlew apiDump` in the root of the project.