j178 / chatgpt

An elegant interactive CLI for ChatGPT
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Request: support resizing of the terminal window #96

Open scottbilas opened 1 month ago

scottbilas commented 1 month ago

When I change the font size or resize the window, chatgpt doesn't adjust to the new size. I'll either get duplicated lines or blank space at bottom. I posted a screenshot below.

I have a bit of a weird setup, not sure if that is involved - I like tmux so I run that in Windows Terminal through WSL, and then have Windows chatgpt in a pane. I do the same thing with lazygit and micro and other tui tools and haven't seen the same problem, so I'm assuming this issue is specific to chatgpt.

My current workaround is to ctrl-c and restart. It's not the end of the world for me, since the conversation is saved, but it sure would be nice not to have to restart every time I zoom in/out. :)


Great tool by the way! Thank you for making it.

j178 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report. Terminal layout is hard, but I'll look into ways to improve it.