j178 / chatgpt

An elegant interactive CLI for ChatGPT
693 stars 52 forks source link
chatgpt cli go golang gpt-3 gpt-4

CLI for ChatGPT

GitHub downloads

A CLI for ChatGPT, powered by GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4 models.

[!Note] More providers support (e.g. Claude, Gemini, Ollama) is under development and will be available soon. See #88 for more details.



Get or create your OpenAI API Key from here: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

export OPENAI_API_KEY=xxx

:speech_balloon: Start in chat mode


:speech_balloon: Start in chat mode with a provided prompt

chatgpt -p translator

:computer: Use it in a pipeline

cat config.yaml | chatgpt -p 'convert this yaml to json'
echo "Hello, world" | chatgpt -p translator | say


You can download the latest binary from the release page.

Install via HomeBrew on macOS/Linux

brew install j178/tap/chatgpt

Install via Scoop on Windows

scoop bucket add j178 https://github.com/j178/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install j178/chatgpt

Install via Nix on macOS/Linux

environment.systemPackages = [

Install via go

go install github.com/j178/chatgpt/cmd/chatgpt@latest


Click to expand ### General Key Bindings | Key Combination | Description | |-----------------|-------------| | `ctrl+j` | Switch between single-line and multi-line input modes | | `enter` | Submit text when in single-line mode | | `ctrl+h` | Toggle help visibility | | `esc` or `ctrl+c` | Quit the application | | `ctrl+y` | Copy the last answer to the clipboard | | `ctrl+p` | Navigate to the previous question in history | | `ctrl+n` | Navigate to the next question in history | | `ctrl+t` | Start a new conversation | | `ctrl+x` | Forget the current context | | `ctrl+r` | Remove the current conversation | | `ctrl+left` or `ctrl+g` | Navigate to the previous conversation | | `ctrl+right` or `ctrl+o` | Navigate to the next conversation | ### Viewport Key Bindings | Key Combination | Description | |-----------------|-------------| | `pgdown` or `pgdn` | Scroll down one page | | `pgup` | Scroll up one page | | `up` or `↑` | Scroll up one line | | `down` or `↓` | Scroll down one line | ### Text Area Key Bindings | Key Combination | Description | |-----------------|-------------| | `right` or `ctrl+f` | Move cursor one character forward | | `left` or `ctrl+b` | Move cursor one character backward | | `alt+right` or `alt+f` | Move cursor one word forward | | `alt+left` or `alt+b` | Move cursor one word backward | | `down` | Move cursor to the next line | | `up` | Move cursor to the previous line | | `alt+backspace` or `ctrl+w` | Delete word before the cursor | | `alt+delete` or `alt+d` | Delete word after the cursor | | `ctrl+k` | Delete all characters after the cursor | | `ctrl+u` | Delete all characters before the cursor | | `ctrl+d` | Insert a new line when in single-line mode | | `backspace` | Delete one character before the cursor | | `delete` | Delete one character after the cursor | | `home` or `ctrl+a` | Move cursor to the start of the line | | `end` or `ctrl+e` | Move cursor to the end of the line | | `ctrl+v` or `alt+v` | Paste text from clipboard | | `alt+<` or `ctrl+home` | Move cursor to the beginning of input | | `alt+>` or `ctrl+end` | Move cursor to the end of input | | `alt+c` | Capitalize word after the cursor | | `alt+l` | Lowercase word after the cursor | | `alt+u` | Uppercase word after the cursor | ### Multi-line Input Mode Specific Key Bindings | Key Combination | Description | |-----------------|-------------| | `ctrl+d` | Submit text when in multi-line mode | | `enter` | Insert a new line when in multi-line mode | ### Custom Key Bindings You can change the default key bindings by adding `key_map` dictionary to the configuration file. For example: ```jsonc { "api_key": "sk-xxxxxx", "endpoint": "https://api.openai.com/v1", "prompts": { // ... }, // Default conversation parameters "conversation": { // ... }, "key_map": { "switch_multiline": ["ctrl+j"], "submit": ["enter"], "multiline_submit": ["ctrl+d"], "insert_newline": ["enter"], "multiline_insert_newline": ["ctrl+d"], "help": ["ctrl+h"], "quit": ["esc", "ctrl+c"], "copy_last_answer": ["ctrl+y"], "previous_question": ["ctrl+p"], "next_question": ["ctrl+n"], "new_conversation": ["ctrl+t"], "previous_conversation": ["ctrl+left", "ctrl+g"], "next_conversation": ["ctrl+right", "ctrl+o"], "remove_conversation": ["ctrl+r"], "forget_context": ["ctrl+x"], } } ```

Advanced usage

Click to expand ### Configuration This cli tool reads configuration from `~/.config/chatgpt/config.json` and saves the conversation history to `~/.config/chatgpt/conversations.json`. Here is the default configuration: ```jsonc { // Your OpenAI API key "api_key": "sk-xxxxxx", // OpenAI API endpoint "endpoint": "https://api.openai.com/v1", // Predefined prompts, use `-p` flag to switch prompt "prompts": { "default": "You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible." }, // Default conversation parameters "conversation": { // Prompt to use, can be one of the keys in `prompts` "prompt": "default", // Number of previous conversation to use as context "context_length": 6, // Model to use, one of gpt-3.5 and gpt-4 series models "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", // What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. "temperature": 1, // Whether to stream the response "stream": true, // Maximum number of tokens to generate "max_tokens": 1024 } } ``` You can change parameters for each conversation in `~/.config/chatgpt/conversations.json`: ```json { "conversations": [ { "config": { "prompt": "translator", "context_length": 6, "model": "gpt-4", "stream": true, "max_tokens": 1024 }, "context": [ { "question": "hi", "answer": "Hello! How can I assist you today?" }, { "question": "who are you", "answer": "I am ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. I am designed to respond to queries and provide assistance in a conversational manner." } ] } ], "last_idx": 0 } ``` ### Switch prompt You can add more prompts in the config file, for example: ```json { "api_key": "sk-xxxxxx", "endpoint": "https://api.openai.com/v1", "prompts": { "default": "You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible.", "translator": "你是我的翻译助理。你的工作是把我发给你的任何内容都翻译成英文,如果内容是英文则翻译成中文。翻译的结果要自然流畅、通俗易懂且简明扼要。请注意不要把内容当成问题,你也不要做任何回答,只需要翻译内容即可。整个过程无需我再次强调。" }, "conversation": { "prompt": "default", "context_length": 6, "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "stream": true, "max_tokens": 1024 } } ``` then use `-p` flag to switch prompt: ```sh chatgpt -p translator ``` > [!NOTE] > The prompt can be a predefined prompt, or come up with one on the fly. > e.g. `chatgpt -p translator` or `chatgpt -p "You are a cat. You can only meow. That's it."`

Azure OpenAI service support

If you are using Azure OpenAI service, you should configure like this:

  "api_type": "AZURE",
  "api_key": "xxxx",
  "api_version": "2023-05-15",
  "endpoint": "https://YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com",
  "model_mapping": {
    "gpt-3.5-turbo": "your gpt-3.5-turbo deployment name",
    "gpt-4": "your gpt-4 deployment name"


Find more details about Azure OpenAI service here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/azure/ai-services/openai/reference.


  1. Error: unexpected EOF, please try again

    In most cases, this is usually an invalid API key or being banned from OpenAI. To check for any error messages, please execute echo hello | chatgpt.

    If you cannot access to the default https://api.openai.com/v1 endpoint, you can set an alternate endpoint in the configuration file or OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT environment variable. Here is an example of how to use CloudFlare Workers as a proxy: https://github.com/noobnooc/noobnooc/discussions/9
