j3k0 / ganomede-chat

Ganomede multi-rooms chat service
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Multi-rooms chat service.

Chat is organized into "rooms". Each room has a type and a list of players allowed to participate.



Variables available for service configuration (see config.js):

Links with DBs and other services:

Optional link to the usermeta database containing user policies (see policies.md)

Statsd options (used for monitoring).



Contains the policies (banned, blocked users, chat disabled, etc)


All "room" related calls require a valid authToken, either:

Rooms [/chat/v1/auth/:authToken/rooms]

Create a room [POST]

Create a room with a given configuration (or return the one that already exists and update its ttl).

body (application/json)

    "type": "triominos/v1",
    "users": [ "alice", "bob" ]

response [200] OK

    "id": "triominos/v1/alice/bob",
    "type": "triominos/v1",
    "users": [ "alice", "bob" ],
    "messages": []

response [403] Forbidden

When linked to users service, will perform ban check. Banned :usernames will receive 403 error no matter validity of a token.

design note

Room is gonna expire 60 days after last POST.

Room's id is formed using following code:


Room [/chat/v1/auth/:authToken/rooms/:roomId]

+ Parameters
    + authToken (string, required) ... Authentication token
    + roomId (string, required) ... URL encoded Room ID

Retrieve content of a room [GET]

response [200] OK

    "id": "triominos/v1/alice/bob",
    "type": "triominos/v1",
    "users": [ "alice", "bob" ],
    "messages": [{
        "timestamp": 1429084002258,
        "from": "alice",
        "type": "text",
        "message": "Hey bob! How are you today?"
    }, {
        "timestamp": 1429084002258,
        "from": "bob",
        "type": "text",
        "message": "Hi Alice :)"
    }, {
        "timestamp": 1429084002258,
        "from": "bob",
        "type": "text",
        "message": "Good thanks, let's play"
    }, {
        "timestamp": 1429084002258,
        "from": "$$",
        "type": "event",
        "message": "game_started"

response [404] Not found

No room found with given ID.

response [401] Unauthorized

If authToken is invalid or user isn't a participant in the room, and not API_SECRET.

Messages [/chat/v1/auth/:authToken/rooms/:roomId/messages]

+ Parameters
    + authToken (string, required) ... Authentication token
    + roomId (string, required) ... URL encoded Room ID

Add a message [POST]

Append a new message to the room and updates room's TTL. If the number of messages in the room exceeds MAX_MESSAGES, the oldest will be discarded.

body (application/json)

    "timestamp": 1429084016939,
    "type": "txt",
    "message": "Hey bob! How are you today?"

response [200] OK

response [401] Unauthorized

If authToken is invalid or user isn't a participant in the room, and not API_SECRET.

response [403] Forbidden

When linked to users service, will perform ban check. Banned :usernames will receive 403 error no matter validity of a token.

response [404] Not Found

No room found with given ID.

design note

A notification will be sent to all users in the room (except the sender of the message and those that blocked him).

    "from": "chat/v1",
    "type": "message",
    "data": {
        "timestamp": 1429084002258,
        "from": "bob",
        "type": "text",
        "message": "Good thanks, let's play"
    "push": {…} // optional, will contain whatever is in `req.body.push`.

System Messages [/chat/v1/auth/:apiSecret/system-messages]

Add a message [POST]

Join a room, append a new message and updates its TTL. If the number of messages in the room exceeds MAX_MESSAGES, the oldest will be discarded.

body (application/json)

    "type": "triominos/v1",
    "users": [ "alice", "bob" ]
    "timestamp": 1429084016939,
    "message": "ALICE_DISCONNECTED"

response [200] OK

design note

Response codes and design notes as for the /messages entrypoint.