j3k0 / ganomede-users

Ganomede Users
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Users accounts API initially inspired by Stormpath.

See http://docs.stormpath.com/rest/product-guide/#application-accounts when in doubt about a parameter.

Historical notes

All users data used to be stored in Stormpath a while back. With Stormpath rolling out after being acquired, we migrated our user accounts to ganomede-directory (our own solution). During the migration period, there were users in both user directories, the server includes some logic to make this possible.

With the stormpath API being discontinued, we removed the code that makes use of it. As a side effect, the server still allows multiple user accounts backends to be used, but effectively it only supports a single one: ganomede-directory.


Link with the ganomede-directory service:

Link with a central and local usermeta services. Note that central metadata are shared across multiple apps, while local metadata are only used by this game server.

Link with the events service, used to send notification when a user logs in, registers a new account, changes their profile or block another user.

Link with the facebook API.

Link with apple (for Sign In with Apple).


Mailer options

Statsd options (used for monitoring).


/users/v1/accounts [POST]

Create a user account.

Email Confirmation with OTP

If the email address isn't a guest email address, an email message containing the email confirmation OTP will be sent to the user. However, if the environment variable CONFIRM_EMAIL_FOR_APP_VERSION is defined, the server will only send this email if the client version is greater than the defined value. The client is expected to send its version in the X-App-Version header. When no version is defined by the user, no confirmation email is sent.

body (application/json)

    "username": "tk421",
    "email": "tk421@stormpath.com",
    "password": "Changeme1",
    "metadata": {
        "newsletter": "false",
        "location": "Dublin, Ireland",
        "country": "fr",
        "birth": "1991"

response [201]

    token: 'rAnDoM'

body (application/json)

    "facebookToken": "AccessTokenFromFacebook",
    "username": "tk421"

response [201]

    "token": "rAnDoM"

/users/v1/auth/:token/me [GET]

response [200] OK

    "username": "tk421"

/users/v1/login [POST]

Create an authentication token.

body (application/json)

    "username": "tk421",
    "password": "0000"

Note, tag instead of username also work (this allows mispellings).

body (application/json)

    "facebookToken": "AccessTokenFromFacebook"

body (application/json)

    "appleId": "123132.312312.312",
    "appleIdentityToken": "Base64Encoded IdentityToken from Apple",
    "appleAuthorizationCode": "Authorization Code from Apple"

Optionally, you can also include the user email, givenName and surname. An username and password to use if the user doesn't exists, so it can be registered automatically.

response [200] OK

    "token": "0123456789abcdef012345"

username will also be included in the response for Facebook and Apple login.

/users/v1/auth/:token/passwordResetEmail [POST]

response [202] Accepted


Custom data associated with users.

Additionnally to the custom metadata you can define, ganomede-users also exposes some predefined virtual metadata:

/users/v1/auth/:token/metadata/:key [GET]

Users' protected custom data.

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

    "key": "some-key",
    "value": "..."

/users/v1/auth/:token/metadata/:key [POST]

Change users' custom data.

body (application/json)

    "value": "..."

(limited to 200 bytes)

response [200] OK

    "ok": true,
    "needEmailConfirmation": false

NOTE: When using this endpoint with the email field, the response will include the needEmailConfirmation field. This field will be true if an email has been sent to the user with an OTP code to confirm their email address. See /users/v1/auth/:authToken/otp/submit. The same policy is used as with the "POST /account" endpoint, so that only app client newer than a given version will require the confirmation emails (see "Email Confirmation with OTP").

/users/v1/:tag/metadata/:key [GET]

Users' custom data, retrieved using the users tag.

Searching by tag will match any username, name (or similar looking name) the user ever had.

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

    "key": "some-key",
    "value": "..."

Friends [/users/v1/auth/:authToken/friends]

List of friends

/users/v1/auth/:authToken/friends [GET]

Retrieve the list of friends

response [200] OK

[ "jeko", "sousou", "willy" ]

/users/v1/auth/:authToken/friends [POST]

Add friends to the list.

body (application/json)


response [200] OK

[ "jeko", "sousou", "willy", "harry", "potter" ]

/users/v1/auth/:authToken/friends/:id [DELETE]

Remove friends from the list.

response [200] OK


Bans /users/v1/banned-users/

Check ban status /users/v1/banned-users/:tag [GET]

Returns BanInfo object describing account standing of :tag.

response [200] OK

{ "username": "alice",       // Username
  "exists": true,            // true if banned, false otherwise
  "createdAt": 1476531925454 // timestamp of ban creation, 0 if no ban.

Ban user /users/v1/banned-users/ [POST]

Ban a user from using the game.

Create an event that indicates that the user has been banned in the "blocked-users" channel.

body (application/json)

  "username": "who-to-ban",
  "apiSecret": "process.env.API_SECRET"

response [200]

Ban created successfully.

response [403]

Invalid or missing API secret.

Unban user /users/v1/banned-users/:tag [DELETE]

body (application/json)

{ "apiSecret": "process.env.API_SECRET" }

response [200]

Ban removed successfully or does not exist.

response [403]

Invalid or missing API secret.

Blocked users /users/v1/auth/:token/blocked-users

A list of blocked users for user identified by the authentication token :token.

The list will be stored in the central usermeta, with key $blocked-users. The value will be an array of strings containing the usernames of blocked users.

For administration purposes, blocked user will also be stored in a ganomede-events channel (users/v1/blocked-users). This way, it becomes possible to analyze recently blocked users and generate daily reports.

Get the list of blocked users /users/v1/auth/:token/blocked-users [GET]

Returns the list of blocked users.

response [200] OK

[ "bob", "marc" ]

Block user /users/v1/auth/:token/blocked-users [POST]

Adds a user to the "blocked-users" list.

body (application/json)

{ "username": "who-to-block" }

response [200]

Blocked user added successfully, returns the new list of blocked users.

[ "who-to-block", "bob", "marc" ]

response [409]

User already blocked.

response [403]

Invalid authentication token.

Unblock user /users/v1/auth/:token/blocked-users/:tag [DELETE]

body (application/json)


response [200]

Blocked user removed successfully or does not exist.

response [403]

Invalid authentication token.

Reported Users /users/v1/auth/:token/reported-users

Report user /users/v1/auth/:token/reported-users [POST]

Block the user exactly like the POST blocked-users endpoint. (cf /users/v1/auth/:token/blocked-users endpoint above). However, it adds it to the events stream with type set to REPORTED instead of BLOCKED.

Blocked Users Admin /users/v1/admin/:api-secret/blocked-users

Endpoint used by administrators to find annoying users.

List of blocked users /users/v1/admin/:api-secret/blocked-users [GET]

query parameters

You can add a number of filters:

parameter type description
username string[] comma separated list of users you're interested in
since timestamp only return users blocked since the provided timestamp

response [200]

    "blocked": [{
        "username": "alice",
        "total": 2,
        "by": [{
            "username": "bob",
            "createdAt": 1476531925454
        }, {
            "username": "marco",
            "createdAt": 1576531925454
    }, {
        "username": "bob",
        "total": 1,
        "by": [{
            "username": "harry",
            "createdAt": 1376531925454

Reported users /users/v1/admin/reported-users

A list of the most reported users.

List reported users [GET]

Returns the list of recently reported users.

  1. Retrieve a large number of the last events in the "Events" database, channel users/v1/blocked-users.
  2. Process this list to count the number of reports per user.
  3. Sort descending, only returning users that are not banned.

query parameters

parameter type description
secret string API_SECRET, passed as ?secret=xxxx

response [200] OK

    { target: 'user1', total: 10 },  
    { target: 'user2', total: 8 } 

Blocks and Reports Admin /users/v1/admin/blocks

List of blocks and reports for a given user /users/v1/admin/blocks/:username [GET]

username is the ID of the user we're interested in.

query parameters

parameter type description
secret string Passed as ?secret=xxxx

response [200]

  "blockedBy": [{
    "username": "bob",
    "on": 1476531925454
  }, {
    "username": "marco",
    "on": 1576531925454

  "reportedBy": [{
    "username": "harry",
    "on": 1376531925457

  "reports": [{
    "username": "polo",
    "on": 1526531925451

  "blocks": [{
    "username": "roger",
    "on": 1546531925452
  }, {
    "username": "albert",
    "on": 1146531925453

Bulk Usermeta /users/v1/auth/:token/multi/metadata/:keys [GET]

Users' protected custom data. :keys is a comma separated list of keys to retrieve.

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

    "key": "some-key",
    "value": "..."
}, {
    "key": "some-other-key",
    "value": "..."

Bulk Usermeta /users/v1/multi/metadata/:userIds/:keys [GET]

Retrieve multiple users' custom data, using the users userId.

Retrieve publicly available metadata. Both, :userIds and :keys are comma-separated list. Attach secret query string param to retrieve fields up to internal.

Missing or unknown keys, and those you are not allowed to read will be omitted (as opposed to returning an HTTP error).

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

    "username": "alice",
    "key": "location",
    "value": "..."
}, {
    "username": "bob",
    "key": "lastseen",
    "value": "..."

If the key doesn't exist or cannot be accessed, it will be omitted from the result.

POST /users/v1/auth/:authToken/otp/submit

A confirmation email is sent:

The email contains a TOTP access code that can be submitted to this endpoint for validation.

A user metadata with key $confirmedemails contains the confirmation time of each email confirmed, like this:


body (application/json)

    "accessCode": "234354"

response [200] OK

The system was able to verify the access code (successfully or not).

    "ok": true,
    "isValid": false

ok is true when the system was able to process the request, however you need to check isValid to see if the access code was actually a valid one.

If the access code is valid, the email address will be added to $confirmedemails usermeta.

POST /users/v1/auth/:authToken/otp/request

A user requests an otp to confirm his/her email.

The server sends him/her an email with the otp.

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

The system replies whether it was able to send the email to the user.

    "ok": true,
    "sent": false

ok is true when the system was able to process the request. Otherwise, ok is false. sent is false when the email wasn't sent for some reason.

POST /users/v1/admin/user-reviews

Create an event that indicates that the user has been reviewed in the "blocked-users" channel.

query parameters

body (application/json)

    "username": "user1"

response [200] OK

POST /users/v1/auth/:authToken/deleteAccount

body (application/json)

response [200] OK

The system replies whether it was able to send the email to the user.

    "ok": true

ok is true when the system was able to process the request. Otherwise, ok is false.