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View8 - Decompiles serialized V8 objects back into high-level readable code.
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Several build errors using the provided args on Windows #4

Open sussyGaymer opened 2 weeks ago

sussyGaymer commented 2 weeks ago


I am attempting to build for V8 version

I have followed the instructions provided in the readme but I'm facing several annoying build-time errors.

When building with the provided args, these errors are thrown. After a quick search on the chromium bug tracker revealed it's an incompatibility or something to do with the use_custom_libcxx arg. Setting it to true fixes this error.

Afterwards, this error appears, which I am not sure how to fix, nor am I keen on jumping through any more hoops to get this POS to compile properly.

I generally dislike the idea of asking someone to compile something for me, but it would be awesome if you could look into it and inform me about how to properly approach this issue and do it as I should, since you seem to be educated on the matter way more than I am.

A bit more info: I'm using set DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0, but I don't think that really matters, right?

sussyGaymer commented 1 week ago

I painfully got through the build process of V8, but now clang++ v8dasm.cpp -g -std=c++17 -Iinclude -Lout.gn/x64.release/obj -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -lv8_monolith -o v8dasm fails with out.gn\x64.release\obj\v8_libbase.lib : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x18A9A. Any ideas anyone?

sussyGaymer commented 1 week ago

Trying to build under Linux and everything went right. I am however facing the same issue as #2 sadly now.