j4k0xb / View8

View8 - Decompiles serialized V8 objects back into high-level readable code.
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View8 is a static analysis tool designed to decompile serialized V8 bytecode objects (JSC files) into high-level readable code. To parse and disassemble these serialized objects, View8 utilizes a patched compiled V8 binary. As a result, View8 produces a textual output similar to JavaScript.


For compiled versions, visit the releases page.


Command-Line Arguments

Basic Usage

To decompile a V8 bytecode file and export the decompiled code:

python view8.py input_file output_file

Disassembler Path

By default, view8 detects the V8 bytecode version of the input file (using VersionDetector.exe) and automatically searches for a compatible disassembler binary in the Bin folder. This can be changed by specifing a different disassembler binary, use the --path (or -p) option:

python view8.py input_file output_file --path /path/to/disassembler

Processing Disassembled Files

To skip the disassembling process and provide an already disassembled file as the input, use the --disassembled (or -d) flag:

python view8.py input_file output_file --disassembled

Export Formats

Specify the export format(s) using the --export_format (or -e) option. You can combine multiple formats:

For example, to export both V8 opcodes and decompiled code side by side:

python view8.py input_file output_file -e v8_opcode decompiled

By default, the format used is decompiled.


The V8 bytecode version is stored as a hash at the beginning of the file. Below are the options available for VersionDetector.exe:

Building The Disassembler

Guide/disassembler/patch based on v8dasm and https://github.com/v8/v8/tree/

The disassembler can be built to be compatible with either Node or Electron (depending on how the .jsc file was generated).

The v8 version of a .jsc file can be found using https://j4k0xb.github.io/v8-version-analyzer, but sometimes Node or Electron create their own custom versions. In that case just choose the closest one.

  1. Check out your v8 version: https://v8.dev/docs/source-code

  2. Apply the patch:

    git apply -3 v8.patch

    And resolve any conflicts that may occur in different versions.

  3. Create a build configuration:

    ./tools/dev/v8gen.py x64.release
  4. Edit the build flags in out.gn/x64.release/args.gn:

    dcheck_always_on = false
    is_component_build = false
    is_debug = false
    target_cpu = "x64"
    use_custom_libcxx = false
    v8_monolithic = true
    v8_use_external_startup_data = false
    v8_static_library = true
    v8_enable_disassembler = true
    v8_enable_object_print = true
    • For Node: add v8_enable_pointer_compression = false
  5. Build the static library:

    ninja -C out.gn/x64.release v8_monolith
  6. Compile the disassembler:

    • For Node:

      clang++ v8dasm.cpp -g -std=c++17 -Iinclude -Lout.gn/x64.release/obj -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -lv8_monolith -o v8dasm
    • For Electron:

      clang++ v8dasm.cpp -g -std=c++17 -Iinclude -Lout.gn/x64.release/obj -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -lv8_monolith -o v8dasm -DV8_COMPRESS_POINTERS