ExtraTrees method for Java and R. ExtraTrees trains an ensemble of binary decision trees for classification and regression. ExtraTrees is very closely related to RandomForest.
The software is available in R (2.15.2 and up).
## Installing:
## Loading ExtraTrees:
## Generating artificial data:
n <- 1000 ## number of samples
p <- 5 ## number of dimensions
## x - inputs
## y - outputs to predict
x <- matrix(runif(n*p), n, p)
y <- (x[,1]>0.5) + 0.8*(x[,2]>0.6) + 0.5*(x[,3]>0.4) +
## Training and predicting with ExtraTrees:
et <- extraTrees(x, y)
yhat <- predict(et, x)
For Java development checkout the git repository and follow development.md.